Chapter 3

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Warmth and romance was filled in Sunset apartment. Twilight opened the door and hugged her to the couch. She flung Sunset there for a daring kiss.

"Whoa there cowgirl. We just-" Sunset could not speak. Twilight locked lips with her.

Sunset didn't resist. She let it all happen. Sunset hair matched her emotion; hot and fiery. Sunset and Twilight threw themselves to the floor.

"Your pretty excited today." Sunset said. Her mouth was free from Twilight grasp.

Twilight didn't speak. He smile and kissing said everything Sunset needed to hear.

She making me forget about this morning by making out with me. I already forgot but that doesn't mean I want this.

Twilight took off her glasses. Her shirt came next. Sunset orange skin became a red star. Twilight laid on top of Sunset and went to her neck.

"Oh yeah..." Sunset held a tight grip on one of the couch cushions.

Twilight then took off Sunset shirt. Sunset groaned louder each kiss.

"Ready for the main meal." Twilight said.

Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight body and pulled her in for one more kiss.

"As long its free."

What was minutes felt like hours for the two. What was weird, was beauty in their eyes.

1 hour later:

Both fell asleep by the couch. A blanket covered their bodies. Sunset was awake but Twilight was still sleeping.Twilight cuddled up against her and Sunset let her.

The love they showed was unlike any love they've shown before. The incident that happened went away faster than fire exposed to water.

After a few more minutes of sleeping, Sunset wakes up from her slumber.
She slowly lifts the blanket and walked to her dresser.

There she found sweatpants, slippers and a sun t-shirt. She gave a quick look to the mirror and tip toed to the couch.

Twilight was still sleeping so Sunset tip-toed around her home. She couldn't go to sleep and the t.v wasn't a smart option.

Instead she sat on the couch, awaiting for Twilight.

"Wonder what's around here to entertain me."

Sunset glanced over home to find something entertaining. When glancing, she notices something she wanted to ignore: the phone.

"Hell no."

Sunset looked away from her phone. She told herself not to use it for today. Still, her boredom was getting stronger every second.

"Oh forget it, I'll take a quick peek."

Sunset snatched her phone from the couch. She hesitates about turning on the phone. She wanted to play and watch something but paranoia was within her.

Should I? Maybe that person text back "Wrong number" or something.

Her thoughts came to a surprising halt. Her phone was vibrating again, that which helped increase her paranoia level.

Sunset debated with herself to turn on the phone or not. Her thoughts and constant muttering didn't do much good.

"I have to know."

Her phone was finally  on. Her phone showed one notification. Sunset gasped. The texts came from the same number.

She wanted to throw her phone out the window and forget about this but that wouldn't do any good.

"Who the hell is this? I can block this person."

Sunset pressed on the notification bar by mistake though. In the message board created fear unlike any fear Sunset faced.

She covered her mouth and gasped so Twilight wouldn't wake up. Her rapid pace of breathing made Sunset look like a teenager in a horror movie.

The text; a picture of Sunset and Twilight walking by their home.

No! No! What is going on?! How do they know me, how!

Another text appears from the person. Sunset held on the couch cushion, frightened.

It read, "You took my life. Now yours is next."

Another picture is sent from that person. It showed a dark figure. Nothing was really seen: except for colored hair of some sort.

Sunset was hesitant to reply. This person knew her and Twilight. Whoever it was, that person knew and struck fear to Sunset.

Another text came along.
"Don't try to block me either. If you do, your not the only person to get hurt. Remember, I know everything about you."

Sunset shook her head and whispered 'no' multiple times. She had to reply now.

Sunset:"Why are you threatening me?"

Person: "Like I said, my life is ruined because of you."

Sunset: "What did I do to you?! I've done bad things but I'be apologized. Are you mad for what I did during high school?"

Person: "No. I never had you for high school. You've done bad things without even realizing it."


Person: "I'm surprised, really. I thought you would know who I was or have an idea of my identity. That doesn't matter now though. Watch your back."

Sunset: "I'm not afraid to use force. Believe me, I got plenty of fight in me."

Person: "If your talking about your friends magical powers, don't bother. Watch all of them. Even the closest of buddies betray once in awhile."

Sunset: "Go to hell."

Person: "Gladly."

Sunset powered off her phone. She threw it across the room, buried her face in the pillow and yelled. Twilight kept sleeping while Sunset was contemplating of what was going on. Sunset wasn't just thinking about the text, but her friends.

What does she mean by that. Is that person one of my friends or someone I hurt. This can't be happening....

So this chapter was...interesting. Lol this chapter was alright for me.
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