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Once in the air, when they could all stand up again, Nina, Steve and Bruce walked to the bridge, to join Fury. They walked through the glorious, gleaming bridge as, once again, Steve stared with awe.

"Gentlemen," Fury welcomed them into his ship.

Steve gave Nina 10 bucks, referring to his earlier statement about never being surprised again. Meanwhile, Bruce was reluctantly shaking Nick Fury's hand.

"Doctor," Fury said. "Thank you for coming."

"Thank you for asking nicely," Banner answered. "So uh... how long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the clear," Fury told him. Meanwhile, Bruce, Steve, Nina and Nat sat around the glass table that was on the ship's bridge. 

"Where are we at with that?" Nat asked. The two girls were obviously desperate to find the Tesseract, because that's how they'd find Clint. Fury turned at Coulson for an explanation.

"We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us," Coulson explained, and Steve didn't seem to have understood half of those words. Nina sighed exasperated.

"That's stop not gonna find them in time," she told them. Natasha frowned, she knew how good Nina was with time.

"You don't know that," Fury argued.

"Yes I do, Nick!" She almost yelled at him. "You're the one who doesn't know anything. None of you do. You don't know what that cube can do," she told them, the last few words coming out barely as a whisper.

"Then explain it, Nina," Fury told her. She noticed how Fury hadn't called her 'Jones', and wondered why he was getting so soft on her.

"I can't tell you that," Nina told them. "Not yet, not even if I wanted to. But I can tell you the same thing I told Stark when he fished it out of the ocean: That thing, fallen in the wrong hands, has the power to obliterate your whole planet. You should have left it in the ocean."

Banner definetly noticed how Nina had said 'your' planet, and not 'our' planet, or simply 'the' planet. He also decided to keep it to himself and ask about it later.

"We can try and find them in time," Bruce said. "If you narrow the field... How many spectrometers do you have access to?"

"How many are there?"

"Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays," Banner explained. Nina smirked at him. "I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places."

"I like him," Nina said to fury, but loud enough to pretty much everyone hear.

"Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Bruce asked.

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