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Bucky woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He hadn't exactly mastered how to use those little things, but he did know how to answer a call.

"Nina?" He said on the phone.

"Эй, любовь," she said back. Bucky immediately frowned. Why was she speaking in Russian. They did both know Russian, but their first language was still English. Something was wrong. "Что-то застряло в моей обуви." Bucky frowned again. Why was Nina talking about something suck to her - Oh. Bucky sucked in a breath. That was one of their code words. They had made up code words back in Hydra for their missions. Sometimes they were undercover together and they had to have a way of communicating. This meant someone was following her.

"Hydra?" Bucky asked her.


"Где ты?" He asked her in Russian.

"Я не знаю!"

"Что ты имеешь в виду, что не знаешь?" He said exasperated. He was ready to drop everything and go after her, even if he would only put himself in even more danger.

"Я не знаю каждую улицу во Франции! Я в случайном переулке," she explained. Suddenly he heard a gun shot and screams.

"Nina!" He almost yelled through the phone. Nina's phone fell to the ground and everything Bucky heard was a crack, before the call disconnected.

Bucky started to panic. Had Hydra got her? Was she able to fight them off? Did she manage to get away? All bad thought passed through Bucky's head before he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He was a soldier. He was the Wintor Soldier. He couldn't let his emotions get in the way of a mission. And right now, his mission was to get Nina back.


Nina woke up very cold. She frowned, she wasn't used to being cold on this planet. It took her a minute before opening her eyes, because her head hurt like hell. Nina tried to bring a hand to her head to soothe the pain, and she started to panic when she found out she couldn't.

She opened her eyes immediately and looked at her body, only to see that she was sitting on a reclined chair, both hands cuffed with very strong metal cuffs, just like her ankles. Her breathing started to fasten when she realised where she was, what had happened. She was running from Hydra, and she turned into a dark alley before they caught up to her. Her mind immediately went to Bucky, whom she was talking with on the phone before she dropped it when they knocked her head. He must be desperate, and he would probably drop everything to look after her. While Nina did want to be rescued and get out of this Hydra facility as fast as possible, she definetly didn't want Bucky to be her rescuer. If Bucky was in the facility, or next to any hydra agent who spoke Russian, he could become a soldier and lose his memory with only ten words. It was only then that Nina remembered that, her too, she could be controlled by Hydra after ten words.

Her words were different. They had to have some meaning to the person. For example, Bucky has the words 'one', 'nine', and 'seventeen', which would make the number 1917, the year of his birth. He also has the word 'добросердечный', which in English is benign. This word basically means something that is not a threat, something that is dormant. It also means the state Bucky is in during his cryostasis before being activated, the state he spent more than seventy years on. He barely ever got out. Nina, however, had some pretty random words. Or at least, she didn't really know the meaning of them in her life. She had the word 'человечество', that meant humanity. This was what made least sense to her. I mean, he did care about humanity a lot, she would definetly be somewhat sad if they all died or something, but the last thing she was was human. Human, by definition, means a human being, especially a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien. Do you see the irony in that? She is the total contrary of human.

Nina mentally shook her head. She was doing it again. She was inventing a completely new subject in her head to keep the actual serious stuff out. And right now, the serious stuff was:

She was strapped into a chair in a Hydra facility. And unfortunately, she knew exactly what this chair was for.

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