Chapter 4

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I was staring at the night sky,
Speckles of stardust decorating the space,
Bits of cloud visible even during the dark.

The moon lit up the night sky,
Causing me to reminiscence,
The memories of the past,
When light still exist within me.

I knew however that it's impossible for me now.

I once relied on someone,
So dependable and likeable,
The complete opposite of me.
Just like how the sun is the complete opposite of the moon,
And how the sun shone on the moon.

I worked hard because of that someone,
In hope of becoming like that person,
Just like how the moon shone brightly at night.

I knew however...

The moon will never become the sun,
For it can never produce a light of its own,
Just like how I can never be as likeable as that person.

Even so...

I am surrounded with everyone,
Just like how the stars surrounded the moon,
And thus we're never alone.

If only I knew...

Beneath that brightly lit smile,
That someone was suffering,
A pain much stronger than mine.

That dependable someone,
As bright as the sun,
Drifting freely across the cloud,
The source of life upon planet Earth.

But alone with a bottled up feeling,
Of bitterness and loneliness,
As being the center of it all,
The sun is untouchable, therefore an unapproachable existence.

If I noticed even earlier,
Maybe my world won't be as dark as now.

Like how when the sun left the moon,
The moon will appear dark,
Blending in with the night sky,
Invisible to the world.

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