Chapter 11

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I recount my time starting from my childhood,
Until I reached my adolescent.

My lovely child state,
An innocent girl with naive mind,
One who gave trust way too easily,
And one who got hurt way more easily.

Such a poor, pitiful child...

Choosing to isolate herself with her own hobbies,
One which resonate with herself,
A loner with no friends,
Nor any enemies.

Although bright in mind,
She was a fool.

Friends approached only when needed,
Once unneeded friends tossed her away,
Their tongue whispered lies and deceit,
Their eyes showed their true intentions.

I remembered having a book,
Exchanging diaries with my dear friend,
For whom was actually using my own goodwill,
Just for her own benefits.

We were young,
And friendship was easily broken,
Not one that can be mend easily,
Because of the damage that we've done.

My younger self remembered that one person,
For whom she was the most uncomfortable with,
For she was a naturally introverted person,
And cannot voice out her real thought.

She was socially awkward,
That's why her humour was not humorous,
People took her way too seriously,
Causing her to feel superiority and everyone inferior,

But that doesn't stop her from feeling her own inferiority,
Because of the lack of communication skills that she has,
And the lack of mischievousness that should be present in a child.

Her name means positive,
Yet her real self was the opposite.
Even as she became older,
Her slowly maturing mind became her own enemies.

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