O, sweet mother

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O, sweet mother,

You are the one who transported me to this world,
Letting me witnessed all of this wonderful creation,
Helping me learn about all of them,
These world full of living.

O, sweet mother,

You must have embraced me tightly,
Kissing my cheeks lovingly,
Looking at me warmly,
Soothing my sadness patiently.

O, sweet mother,

Even if you hate me for what I've done,
Feeling disgust for what I am,
Despise me as who I became,

You must always remember,
I love you as it is,
For you have let me live in this beautiful world,
And let me experienced its beauty,
With my own fleeting life.

No matter how you have hated me to the core,
No matter how you have been disgusted by me,
No matter how you have despised me for living.

Only He knows your love,
And only he knows your pain,
For letting me live in this world,
Bestowing a new shell with a soul.

As you let out sweats, blood and tears giving birth to me,
I am grateful for living in this world,

For thee mother art the one who let me live.

Heaven beneath her feet.
For they have a fragile body,
And at war with themselves,
Yet they managed to deliver us safely,
And bestowed us both name and life.


I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero I'm not Cicero

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