Smile in the dark

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Smile please, in times like these, show me how hard work a smile can be

I see you running away, numbing your senses down

Have you seen too much and don't know how to fight back?

The mental traps, and hurricanes, set out to destroy you,

It already shows on your face, all these years which you have yet to see

I wonder how harsh it is, to be in your shoes

To feel the bruising against your feet with every step you take in the dark

And you wonder, are you even moving? All these miles covered, why does the gloomy countryside still look the same?

And you hide your frustration away, as you do with every emotion of yours,

It's become second nature now, better be safe than being destroyed over again

Because these emotions, they are far too strong, they are supposed to be guides, they never said how to handle them,

And I'm left alone, my mind leaves me too, and so does strength, as I collapse down

I gather my thoughts, because they are all i see, do I even exist?

I feel permanently caught up in a dream,

My mind is hazy

I don't hear myself, but I can only see and hear the rushing of thoughts

They drag me here and there, and they fool me too

Got me thinking they are all I can hold on to,

I take the bait, thinking them to be support, but it takes only a slight windfall to blow everything down

I feel shaken and stranded, caught in a storm, I can't reason anymore.

Don't you feel so down son, 'cause there is a lot more to it. No need to comprehend, just open your eyes and see.

See how powerful you are, just look at your feet. See your roots growing down and they go miles into this beautiful earth. You are safe and sound, and nothing can shake you.

See, this mind is a crazy thing, it spins tales of worries, and tells you to swim in it, but we both know we can do better than drowning in useless stories.

Take hold of your ship captain, the weather has always been rough to us,

Never forget, the most turbulent of seas, leads to the greatest of treasures.

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