The End - Part 2

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I swear I've been waiting for it to all go away,

The darkness and misery that my mind went through,

I just kept doing this and that, my chest tight, desperate, but always hoping things would get better, 

I would say, when the torturous thoughts that besiege me goes away, when happiness of my mind returns, we will have it all good, in the brightness of life, the happy moments we have always been seeking,

I swear I have been waiting for this to come. I have been waiting for my problems to end.

I didn't see, I was biting a slice of selfishness too.

In all this, I didn't see, the time did go.

Sweet Mother, will you forgive me?

For all the time l wasted, It's bleeding off me, and the tears are too hard to swallow,

Sweet Mother, how could I not see?

All the while, I was so caught up in my pain, that I didn't see you suffering,

Please Mother, forgive me for all the wrong I made,

And please Mother, I beg you, freeze the clock for me,

And show me how to make up for all the time I lost.

I see you so old now, stricken with grief, sorrow and yet concealing the pain of whatever illness that may be bothering you,

Sweet Mother, I have lost so much, please don't go yet,

Hey mama, I am sorry I have been lost for so damn long, cut away from everyone, I could not see, at all,

My own mind terrorized me, and in trying to get out, all these years went by,

Now, I thought I would hold beautiful moments of us together,

But fate is shooting the arrow of time at our way,

My mistake, all of it, my dear mother, I could not see,

I swear I tried, I don't know what my head is made up of, it's so unlike others,

It blinds me, always pulling me in a mist, and I can't seem to see anything, or know where I am going,

Dear Mother, I still can't believe that I am running out of time,

You can't know how it kills me inside, to be guilty of wasting all these moments we could have spent just talking and laughing, because it means gold,

I don't know how my mind got lost, it got burnt and I couldn't cope, and I lost myself in a world of misery and loneliness, 

I forgot about you but time never forgot about us.

How could I live like this, no strength of mind, so weak that I actually let time flew through me,

I could not see, that all I had to do, was just let my mind go free,

I have not yet learned how to do that fully yet, but I am so close,

But never mind that, the little time remaining, I want to spend it growing up again as your son,

Dear Mother, I want to live my childhood again, you, Dad and me,

Let's make the moments beautiful, for once I want to belong to a family!

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