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The dreamy look in your eyes points to the nothingness inside,

You are like a corpse walking, barely breathing,

Not understanding anything doesn't mean running away,

And that's exactly what you are doing,

It's okay to be lost in daydreams, just don't forget where your feet are,

You seem to know that, but yet you are not getting ready to war,

You are letting the bullets hit you, and you are absorbing the pain,

How much can you take, I wonder?

The battlefield is here waiting, but you are neglecting your duties,

How much will you betray yourself before you bleed again?

People need you, the ones who gave you life, you have to pick your weapon and get ready to fight,

What you really despise, is being a shallow man,

Yet, today, this is where you stand.

So dig deep in the sand,

Let the waters go deep, because you really hate to be shallow man.

You can't become one. This is not who you are.

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