They were lost

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A lonely girl wrote
Her suicide note
She was prepared, she was ready
A rope laid under her bed
With a blade and gun.

He's bleeding out on the floor
He wrote his last words on his arm
A silver paintbrush
Ink in painful red
"I'm just so glad this is finally the end."

A note lies on the pillow
As she hangs from the ceiling
She never thought anyone cared
She should've seen just how many
People showed up to her funeral
Crying all in black
Sobbing asking why
She seemed perfectly fine.

His little sister walked into his room
Screaming and crying
She ran to find someone
Other than her drunken mother
"Please, someone."
"You've gotta save him."

Nobody knew
Nobody could tell
But she was stuck in an eternal hell.

His last words were "I'm sorry."
That he would "miss everyone."
"I didn't want to leave you but this is the end out me."

"If only someone had seen through my fake smiles,
If only they could've seen the truth and saved me."

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