Where is it Going?

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Becky's P-O-V

Alexa seems real pissed this time. I mean the corporate girl all of a sudden asks me if I wanted to go clubbing. Now.. Who can say no to clubbing?

And there we are after an hour of having weird fun and soft drinks, dancing st the middle of the floor. I saw Alexa who was literally jumping in fun, her blonde hairs flying as she giggled and shook her head like a crazy one, though none of us were into alcohol.

'Hey babe..Would you like to dance with me?' A tall blonde guy with his features chiseled like Chris Evans asked me. He seemed too jolly with his moves and I didn't want to ruin his mood either.

'Sure. I would love to.' I said with a smile. The guy picked my hand and kissed it.

'So, you sound Irish?' he said twirling me a bit.

'Yeah. I came here a couple of years ago.' I said. As the twirl stopped, he pulled me against him and took hold of my waist.

I flinched a little by the sudden closeness but it was fine anyway.

'Hmm.. I'm Dan btw.' he said, picking my hands up softly and placing them on his shoulders.

'I'm Rebecca.' I said.

The guy nodded

'I'm James.' he said.

Soon, our hips started moving in sync with the music. He was a nice dancer, I must say.

Suddenly, I felt our chests were almost brushing. I tried to move away but his grip of my waist was too tight.

But then, a roar of crowd captured our attention. A number of girls rushed towards the entrance for no apparent reason, that's what I thought until I saw Dean, Mr. Rollins and Mr. Reigns walking inside the club. My heart jumped a little as I saw Dean, walking to the club in a black leather jacket paired with his blue jeans. He wore a beanie too and that makes him look really hot!

 He wore a beanie too and that makes him look really hot!

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I tried to look away as they came in. A strange nervousness churned across my body. I saw Alexa looking at them too. The three of my bosses took their seats in front of the bar and ordered some drinks. Few women were already lurking at them. Of course, what I know and why the three of them came here for. They come here almost every day, I guess to pick a girl and get what they want. Dean is no different.

As I was looking at them, I didn't realize that James, now, pushed his hand down to my ass now and squeezed lightly. I felt little scared and awkward. I gave him a confused look but he only smiled and stroke my ass now. I was damn annoyed and tried to push him now but then my eyes fell towards the bar.

I couldn't help but gasp at the sight as I found Dean looking straight at me, with a not-so-happy look.

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