Intention and Perception

811 15 154

Bayley's P-O-V

Have you ever felt that a sudden shift of plates beneath you have shaken the entire landscape around you and things are looking really different? Well, yes. That's what I am feeling these days.

I still can't believe I'm being stripped of being the assistant of two of my good friends Dean and Seth and is now only an assistant to one-third of the CEOs of the Shield and the Chairman of the company, Roman Reigns. Yes, Mr. Reigns, the guy I'm least comfortable with among the three and who has been playing with my head since a week and a half.

The work load is definitely reduced and we'll, my salary remains the same but the load of an impending tension in my head is killing me.

All my fault! I shouldn't have spat back on Mr. Reigns at the first place. I mean, the guy is a jerk, a Casanova, a whore-hunter but that was none of my business! I shouldn't have been miffed and avoided his calls and works. Worst of all, I stated to him that besides him, I had my responsibilities towards Seth and Dean too and that's when I hit his nerve and the jerk of a boss made it sure that I was now exclusively at his mercy.

If that wasn't all, I felt a strange change in his attitude towards me, like he smirks a lot, talks strange, leans towards me a lot and worst of all, gets a little touchy. I hope, he didn't take my drunken self allowing him to finger me as a wrong cue! Ugh! I hate recalling that moment.

I took a deep breath knowing I had a call to go to his cabin right now. I picked my the desired file and walked out of my room, adjusting my loose bun.

Knock! Knock!

I knocked at the door of his cabin.

'Come in.' I heard the deep voice. I pushed the door and entered his room.

Mr. Reigns was writing something. Wow! It's the first time I saw the guy actually write!

I walked near the table with the file but he was too consumed in what he was doing and didn't look up at me.

I debated within whether to take a seat or not. May be I should leave the file on his desk and get away. But, then, what if he doesn't correspond to this. I stood between the two chairs across him, stroking their edges with my fingers. I bit my lip wondering what to do when I heard a chuckle from the only person around me.

I looked at him wide eyed.

Mr. Reigns looked up at me chewing his lips. He leaned back on his chair as his

'Miss Martinez, if you can't decide between the two can always sit here..' he said tapping his thighs with a husky voice and liked his lips, while still measuring my eyes.

I froze as I heard what I heard! He did not...say that.

I could say my face was all red standing in front of my cocky ass boss.

He looked at me and chuckled again.

'What? Don't you want to sit?' he asked with a smirk.

I looked away from his mysterious eyes.

'ehm.. Yes.. I got this.' I said and nervously went to pull the a sit but oops.. I almost slipped. I heard a slight chuckle, indicating Mr. Reigns saw that too.

Damn! Could that be more embarrassing!

We discussed about the work for 10 minutes when I needed to ignore his odd stares and occasional smirks that conveyed everything except professionalism.

'So, Bayley, it's almost lunch hour.' Mr. Reigns said looking at his watch. 'So, I guess we should pause this for a while.' he said closing the file with a sigh.

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