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Seth's P-O-V

I drove the car as fast as I could. There! I could spot Dean's car. 

Actually, I left few important input sheets in my home this morning and that's when I asked Dean to get them while I was busy in other works. And as the day went, both of us went busy and he forgot to return the key. 

And, my luck! A hot chick was already expected in my house after dinner time, as per our  schedule yesterday. But, great! I got no access to my own house!

Dean's car was real fast. I don't know which flight he was about to catch but it seemed it was leaving. I drove faster too. 

Gosh! We're almost near ML Plaza! Is he gonna slow down now?

Finally. I saw him park and run out of the car in a haste. I parked mine nearby.

'Hey Dean! Wait up man!' I yelled as I parked my car. But, he didn't hear. I guess I got to invade ML Plaza too.


I entered ML plaza and scanned the whole restaurant to catch a glimpse of my unstable friend. Wow! Those are some sexy legs! Shit! What am I thinking? Stop staring at girls and find Dean. I peeked over the first two rows but no hope. I walked over to the third raw and...my eyes widened as I saw Becky, Dean and Bliss in a table. Did they plan this together? Since when Dean started hanging out with them? But, anyway, I got to get my key.

I walked to that table.

'Hello everyone!' I said.

Dean looked at me like I just caught him burning the White House down. Chill man! Becky just smiled, though surprised and Bliss, well she gave me the worst annoyed face ever.

'eeeehhh..am I interrupting something?' I asked clearing my voice since the three of them looked to be in shock.

'No..not at all.' Becky said.

'So, Dean you said you were hungry and so you came here all by yourself, but you never said you were bringing a friend too.' Bliss said taunting me at the last part.

Why does she hate me this much?

Besides, I guess Dean must be little too hungry by the way he drove.

'I have no idea why he's here!' Dean said looking at me and shrugging his shoulders. And he calls him my friend!

'I hope he does.' Bliss taunted making both Dean and Becky scoff. Enough of this humiliation.

'Wait! Before you get to the conclusion, I'm here only to get my keys which is with Dean.' I barked. Dean frowned his eyes and nodded as he remembered.

'Shit! I must've remembered you've got an important person coming tonight. Here you go.' Dean said taking out the keys from my pocket and extending it to me. Of course, after embarrassing me yet again in front of the ladies.

I saw Bliss shook her head in disgust. I took the key from him and sighed.

'Whatever! I guess she's gone by now after waiting for two hours.' I said and I saw Becky chuckle but she soon suppressed out of courtesy.

Dean looked at Becky and then at me. 

'Well, thank you for that.' he said with a smile. What did I do now?

'Here, have a seat Seth.' Dean said shifting a chair. I gave him a 'wtf' look.

'I hope you don't mind joining?' he said.

And what if I want to say, Yes, I do mind. But, no I can't. My eyes fell on Bliss again who was waiting for my answer. Perhaps, wanting to here  me say, I got to leave. But, well..

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