Something Different....

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Roman's P-O-V

I wanted to rip her apart, I wanted to choke her, make her struggle for breath. How could she do this to me? I'm fucking Roman Reigns. I could get any woman on her knees begging for me and there she was...getting her skin wrapped around a loser like Sami.

My blood boiled as the memories of my past played in my head. It was like the same day that I saw Galina sleeping with Christopher. The same sensations returned in my heart. That day too, I was cheated. But, I thought Bayley, of all, would be different! She seemed too naive, too innocent but she too turned out like all those whores. I felt my jaw clench and my fists balled in anger. I was tricked again. Bayley chose to sleep with Sami over me. I didn't knew the emotion that went inside me right now but all I knew was women are the most deceptive creatures on the earth and they don't care about anyone else.

And my little Assistant was no different. I was angry, very angry. I wish I could break everything around me. She was a mere Assistant for God sake! How dare she does that to me? She's going to be punished. She has to be.

I would have done everything to her that she despised. Now, I knew the slut inside her really well. I wanted to show her that Sami was not half the man that I was. I wanted to show her how a real man claims a body. I wanted her to scream, to beg, to plead.

I would have loved to abuse the fuck out of her, break her to so many pieces that she won't be able to get herself together ever in her life. But then, out of a crazy audacity, she slapped me.

My teeth gritted and my hands went up higher, to grab her throat but then my eyes fell on hers. There were tears spilling continuously, she was hurt, pained, very if she was betrayed. I don't know what happened to me, but my body fell weak and she took the opportunity and pushed me off her.

I fell off losing my balance.

Bayley stood fast. As she reached the door, she gave me one final look.

'I guess you never knew me well Mr. Reigns.' She said in a frail, broken voice.

She wiped the tears off her eyes. Those tears weren't of any slut. They were of a sweet, innocent damsel.

My thoughts froze me. I saw Bayley go away.

For a moment, I wanted to run after her. Not to break her or hurt her but for some strange unknown reason to stop her. But, I didn't. I kept staring at the blank doorway. She was gone with hatred launched her heart.

For the time I remembered watching the doorway blank. Several thoughts tried to register my mind but I was too weak to even think. I don't know when I fell asleep on the floor, at one corner of the room.


'Roman! Hey Roman!' I heard a voice. Next, I could feel a strong nudge on my shoulder. I groaned lazily.

'C'mon man! It's past 9. Get your lazy ass up from the floor.' I heard Dean yelling.


Ugh! I rubbed the slumber off my eyes and then looked at Dean and then around me. I was really sleeping on the floor...for the very first time!

My mind traveled to how I landed here and what happened last night. I almost tried to rape Bayley! And she  went away crying..hating my guts!

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