You and Me

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Becky's P-O-V

This is killing me! I can't take it anymore. He's very near me. I could see him, smiling, talking and laughing with others not even caring at once to turn his neck a bit a give me a stare.

You can curse me, scold me or beat me.. But, please talk to me, talk to me Dean.

It has been nine fucking days that we've stopped communicating. The last time we talked was at the bitch, him urging me to leave with him and me urging him to run away from the spot. It was Valentines day and that was the last we've heard of each other.

Few days ago

Since Bayley was absent for some unknown reason, I was asked to help away with few of her assignments. And trust me, the poor girl does a lot of work.

I was really tired after helping Mr. Rollins in compiling his file for the company's next trip at Davenport. He took pity on me and told me that I can take rest but just then, it was Mr. Reigns who needed me to send few emails to the investors. I guess, he was pretty pissed that Bayley was absent and mostly remained silent. However, he thanked me after I sent those twelve emails.

'You're welcome Mr. Reigns.' I said throwing him a smile.

He smiled and opened the drawer to pick something that looked like a pendrive.

'Can you do me one last favor Becky?' he asked looking at the pendrive.

Quite honestly, I was tired but I still nodded.

'Can you give this to Dean?' he said handing me the pendrive.

My heart jumped just as I heard his name. But, Do I have to go to his cabin? But, I haven't faced him yet.. after that day. My heart started beating fast. I was nervous to see the guy who had my heart, body, mind and soul.

'Here you go Becky.' Mr. Reigns said again.

I looked at him puzzled.

'What? Any problem?' he asked.

'ehm.. No. Sure, I'll do it.' I said taking the pendrive from him.

Mr. Reigns smiled and returned his gaze to the laptop. But, as for me, I don't believe my heart was beating that fast.

I walked out if Mr. Reigns' cabin and started walking towards Dean's cabin. It's like my legs were jellied all ready and my body was getting numb with every step. I was almost melting.

I brushed my fingers through my hairs and swept the excess oil off my skin. I wanted to make sure I look okay. I stood in front of Dean's cabin and knocked.

'Come in.' a voice said almost sending chills down my body.

I pushed the door and entered his room. He did not see me, perhaps. He was too busy studying something on his laptop screen. My heart beat faster with every step towards his desk.

His blue eyes reflected the beams coming from that laptop, making them more vivid. A single glance from those ocean orbs gets me to my knees.

But, right now...

I couldn't say a thing due to the tremors in my inner being. I held the pendrive in front of his eyes, making his gaze shift away from the screen.

'Thank you Bayl..' he said until his head turned towards me.

I felt his expressions loose up as he faced me. Our eyes locked and he caught hold of the pendrive from my hand.

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