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Okay, I didn't think this was necessary until a few people told me.

And then I realized that reading about things like self harm or sexual abuse can tend to get you to think about emotions you'd rather keep hidden.

So this book contains scenes of 

a)self harm

b)panic attacks

c)a suicide attempt

d)sexual and physical abuse

It also will have mild sexual content.

Because I attempt to be inclusive of as many sexualities and races/ethnicities as possible, please don't leave homophobic/ racist comments. Also, please please please feel free to tell me if I accidentally misrepresent. I don't mean to offend anyone.

Thank you.


Also, it'd would be super cool if you guys could leave any feedback because I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing.

Unedited: Because perfection is just an illusion.Where stories live. Discover now