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"Who's James?"

The girl sighed and began to fiddle with her hands. She tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. Where could she begin about that boy who destroyed her?

"He's the biggest asshole you could ever meet. He ruined my life."

"What did he do?"

The girl took in a deep breath thinking about it all.

"We only dated for a few months. We had been really good friends for a while and one night he got drunk, and decided that it would be fun to make out with me, as his way of telling me he was interested. After that night, we began dating. Things were all good until one night he flipped out at me because I said I wasn't interested in some fling. I wanted it to mean something. He got really angry and broke up with me, which I was sad but I was also kinda okay with it."

The girl noticed tears slowly trickling down her face. She knew she had to tell him the rest but something was stopping her.

"Hey, Abby. If you don't want to tell me the rest you don't have to. Okay? You can stop if you'd like. I promise to you that whatever he did was absolutely terrible and you didn't deserve it. I've never been in a relationship but I can promise you that not every guy is like him. I'm not like him."

The girl thought about how the next day at school people turned away from her. They all had heard that she told him to kill himself and that he'd never be happy in a relationship. Which wasn't even close to the truth. That's what he said to her. Everyone began to despise her because of it, even though it wasn't true.

She also thought about how caring and gentle Finn had just been with her. She thought about how nice he would be in a relationship. She imagined herself wrapped up in his arms and having their eyes lock right before a kiss. She imagined how he would always ask if she was alright and how he would never show her anything but love.

The boy thought about how nice it would be to be with her. He thought about how it would feel to lay next to her watching a movie. He imagined walking through the streets with their hands interlaced. He imagined what being in love with her would be like. He imagined that he would fulfill his two biggest dreams.

The girl looked at him gently and smiled, telling him a silent thanks.

The boy looked at her adoringly, telling her that he is right here to listen.

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