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i reached our apartment in a matter of what felt like seconds, running inside and dashing into my room.

I slammed the door behind me, collapsing onto the floor while black spots appeared in my view, next thing I new; my vision blinded by the darkness, my body became numb as my body hit the ground.


Jin's POV:

Jungkook dashed into the house with glass shards & cuts everywhere on his body, eyes bloodshot red & puffy.

what happened to him?

i went to his room after hearing it slam shut, receiving stares from the other guys and jimin following shortly after.we reached his room, opening the door to reveal the unconscious kid on the floor; body shaking as more tears poured out of his eyes.

my heart melted, I felt so bad for our Maknae. I know he can be a spoiled brat sometimes, but it doesn't mean I don't care for him anymore.

I looked to my side, seeing a crying jimin. I rubbed his back, reassuring everything will be okay with a smile & a thumbs up.

"Jimin-ah, could you please get the first aid kit & a cup of water?"he just nodded, walking out of the room to get the things he needed.

I bent down and picked the younger up from the cold ground, laying him on his comfortable bed.

i wiped jungkook's tears from his cheek that were still rolling down, as I sighed in pain as my heart clenched.

just then, jimin walked into the room with the exact things I needed.

I mumbled a 'thank you', as jimin pulled up a chair next to the bed while holding the kit.

I whisper, "this might hurt a bit, I'm sorry if I hurt you kook" jimin held onto jungkook's hand, showing a sad smile that Jungkook couldn't see.

i grabbed the tweezers and started too pull the glass out, the younger shifting whilst jimin tried to stop him from moving as much.

soon after, he stopped shifting and jimin could wipe down the cuts with an ointment.

I pulled out rest of the glass shards out very quick, as jimin finished putting ointment on the rest of the cuts.

standing up from the bed, I took a pack of painkillers out of the box and put them on his bedside table, along with the iced water.

me and jimin then put bandaids over all of his cuts and exited the room, turning off the lights, shutting the door behind us so he could sleep peacefully.

I hope he'll be okay when he wakes up.


If you have any questions regarding my story, don't be afraid to comment it down below & I'll reply ASAP!

I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter! It seems very sucky to me though, I'm bad at adding detail to my books. :(

On that note, Please let me know what I can improve and change about my book; I'll make some polls for you guys to answer if there is a dilemma in deciding what I should do for a certain chapter, such as ships and whatever I feel like putting in that you guys will love!

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