Chapter 2

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"I'm shifting here" she cried
Those words automatically brought a smile on Damian's face. 'Yes' he thought 'I finally have a friend in Gotham'. He did have other friends like Colin and Jon but they didn't know very much about his past or the fact that he used to kill under the influence of his grandfather.
"That's awesome" he said
"I know, I've really missed you" she said giving him a smile.
Damian mumbled something under his breath
"what was that?" asked Katie
"I said, I missed you too" Damian grumbles a little louder this time.
"Awww, I knew it" she said "So want to meet up tomorrow"
"Sure, where" asked Damian
"The Gotham docks,  6 in the morning" she replies
"See you there" he said grabbing his grappling hook and swinging away.
"Okay, Bye" she says
"bye" he yelled

  Time skip to when Damian reaches the apartment..............

By now, Damian is really tired. He checked his phone and saw both Dick and Tim had called multiple times and even his father called once but he didn't have the energy to deal with them. He kicked off his boots, flopped on the bed and fell fast asleep
The next morning he woke up with the sun shining in his eyes, 'great I didn't close the curtains' he thought annoyed. He checked the time and saw that it was already 5:45 'fuck' he thought 'I'm going to be late' he jumped out of the bed, changed into an extra pair of clothes he always kept in the various safe houses across Gotham and grabbed a granola bar stored in the cupboard. Then he exited the apartment and made his way to Gotham docks.

                Back at the batcave
"Bruce, how could you!?" Dick screeched.
"I wasn't thinking and lost my cool for a second, okay, don't worry we'll find him" defended the batman
"but we've looked everywhere and there's still no sign of him" whined Dick 
" We'll find him, I've already called Barbara, Stephanie and Cassandra, they are looking for him too" assured Tim  while going through the security cameras throughout Gotham "I even contacted Jason and he said he'd be on the look out for Damian as well"
"What I said was horrible, I didn't mean any of it, but being a good parent to him can be so frustrating sometimes, I just don't want him to go down the wrong road" groaned Bruce putting his head in his hands
"hey, look I've got something" said Tim pulling up a footage of Damian going through the cold streets of Gotham and entering an apartment on the north side.
"Let's go" said Bruce

                   At Gotham Docks
"You came" said Katie
"Of course I did, I don't exactly ditch people" said Damian
There was a brief moment of silence
"So, what have you been up to in the past two years? " asks Damian
"Well, I got into a huge fight with my dad and I was so mad that I went on a huge killing spree but I knew that was wrong so I found this temple named temple of light and basically they are female priests who work for 'the right cause' and they helped set me on the right path again and I don't kill anymore and me and my dad also made up but I live with my mom but visit my dad sometimes though and what have you been up to " said Katie
" That's good to know, it's hard giving up killing, killing is like a drug addiction, really hard to quit" replied Damian "As for me, I mostly worked with father as his Robin but he still doesn't trust me, Drake and Todd definitely hate me, they call me demon spawn and I hate that name so much"
"Don't worry, I have had my fair share of hurtful nicknames as well" Katie confessed
"like what" Damian asked. Katie was the most amazing girl he had ever met. It was hard imagining her with a mean nickname
"freak, monster, angel of death etc" answered Katie, a single tear made its way down her face. Damian placed his hand on her cheek and wiped that tear
"listen Katie, you are the best friend I ever had, and you are the most amazing person I ever met, those nicknames are not true at all" he said looking at Katie in the eye.
She smiled and said "Thank you, I needed that"
"Any time" said Damian also smiling
"Okay so wanna no the real reason I called you here" asked Katie
"yeah" said Damian
"Well, I've seen you save people many times so I've decided that I will also give this vigilante business a shot" announced Katie "We could be partners"
"That sounds awesome" he said"What's your superhero name?"
She gave a smirk
"Flame"she answered
"that sounds appropriate" says Damian "and here, take this" said Damian, handing Katie an extra communicator he had with him" so we can stay in touch"
"Wow, cool, thanks" said Katie
"I've gotta go, Robin doesn't exactly work during daylight" said Damian yawning, "plus I'm gonna hit the bed as soon as I get back to my place"
"oh, forgot, bat's sleep during the day" Joked Katie
"I guess they do" says Damian smiling as he takes out his grappling gun and swings away

    Time skip to when Damian reached his apartment
Damian returned to his apartment in hope of getting some extra hours of sleep. When he opened the apartment door he saw what awaited him.

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