Chapter 4

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"how old is she? What's she like? Is she cute? Is she really the daughter of the devil?" asked Dick Grayson
"Forget all of that, think about how the demon spawn can have feelings for someone" says Tim, still absorbing the fact that Damian actually has a crush.
"Tim!" Dick scolds
Damian just growls
The batfamily turned around to see Jason Todd.
"Will you three idiots just shut up and leave me alone" growled Damian
"Jay! You came" said Dick
"duh, there's no way I'm gonna miss this" said Jason with a mischievous smile
Everyone turned around to look at Damian with a similar smile. Damian suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
"Miss what exactly" asked Damian in a low, almost scared voice.
"TEACHING YOU HOW TO FLIRT" Came an echo of voices.
Damian went red.
"I.. uh.. um..LOOK THERE'S A FLYING DOG" Damian screamed pointing out the window
Everyone turned to look. Damian ran up the stairs and through the halls as fast as he could but not fast enough as Jason and Dick tossed Tim in the air and he landed right on top of Damian when Damian had almost gotten into his room.
"NOOO! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS, FATHER, CAIN, HEEELP!" Damian screamed which was replied by his Father's and Cassandra's laughter.
"Traitors" huffed Damian
"oh dear" sighed Alfred, dreading the mass destruction that is about to take place. Why can't this just be a normal crush he thought but to be fair, nothing about the batfamily was normal

                  Katie's house
"okay Katie, now that we have established the fact that you have a crush on a boy, let's move on to the part where you start dropping hints" said Lizzie.
"fine, but I'm only doing this so you would leave me alone" grumbled Katie
Ignoring Katie's remark Lizzie continued "and if this guy really is the son of the world's greatest detective than he should probably figure it out" she finished with a smile.
Katie nodded
"okay let's start with some basics, every time he tells a joke, no matter how horrible it is, you should laugh" said Lizzie.
Katie thought about it, Damian did crack some horrible jokes but those still made her laugh, so thats crossed of the list.
"Next, you have to keep making eye contact  with him and and smiling and giggling like those flirty waitresses we saw at that restaurant the other day" Stated Lizzie
"ewww! No, that is so fake, I'm definitely not doing that" said Katie crossing her arms
"but Katie come on, you have to be a little cute and flirty" whined Lizzie
"Cute is just not my style, I'm more of a  fierce type" argued Katie
"okay then you can start teasing him, but  not in a mean or inappropriate type of way, just adorably pinch his nose and call him a cutie or playfully ruffle his hair, also try not to blend in with the crowd because this is Damian wayne we are talking about, millions of girls want to date him so don't be just another one on the list" warned Lizzie
"Got it" chirped Katie
"Now let's work on your facial expressions" said Lizzie
"huh?" asked Katie
"You should be able to attract him with some cute expressions for example, you can try the classic pout like this" Lizzie. She demonstrated by making a perfect pout.
"now you try" encouraged Lizzie
"Like this?" asks Katie
Lizzie looks at her and bursts out laughing. Katie looks like she just sucked a lemon.
"okay I give up" said Katie storming off while Lizzie was still laughing hysterically on the floor.

                Wayne Manor
"Okay Damian, your already smart, rich and handsome but the most socially awkward person I know so we gotta change that" said Stephanie Brown
"But I don't want to start flirting with Katie already, I want to take it slow" argued Damian.
"I agree with Damian, we should just let him handle things the way he thinks is best" suggested Cass.
Damian gave Cassandra a grateful smile
"Nonsense, he'll definitely mess everything up if we leave him to handle it" said Stephenie as it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Damian actually flinches
"Steph!" Cassandra scolds
"Sorry but it's true" Stephenie defended.
"Says the only 16 year old cheerleader in high school who doesn't have a love life" reports Damian dodging the pillow thrown his way by Stephenie.
"okay, let's get started on flirting lessons before anyone declares world war 3" Says Dick
"Okay, one of the most classic tactics of making a lady fall head over heals for you is a charming, big smile like this" said Dick giving a cute, wide smile. Damian tried to imitate it but just ended up looking creepy.
"Okay maybe not that wide" said Dick while Jason and Tim burst out laughing.
"Move over dick head, you ain't gonna be teaching him how to flirt like a wimp" said Jason
"Okay you definitely want to drop a few pick up lines and compliments here and there but remember don't get to exited on making the first move, play it cool and let her confess first" instructed Jason.
"my advice to you is simple, just ask her out" said Tim
"And be yourself" added Cass
Damian nodded,out of this whole flirting lesson, the only advice he will follow are Tim and Cass's.
"and if everything else fails, Kiss her" concluded Jason.
"yeah, that definitely got you a girlfriend" said Damian, sarcasticly
Jason snatched a pillow from the sofa and threw it at Damian but accidentally hit Stephenie,
"HEY" cried Stephanie picking up a pillow to throw at Jason but accidentally hits Dick.
"PILLOW FIGHT" cries Jason and they all get ready for battle
Half an hour later, the result is a  completely demolished room,
covered in pillow feathers, a broken nose belonging to Jason and a very unhappy Alfred

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