Chapter 6

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Warning:mild swearing
"Sorry about Anne and Nat, I had no idea that they would hate each others very existence on first sight" says Katie
"No problem, the guys weren't much help either" replied Damian slightly annoyed at how fast Felix and Jon were to ditch them.
Both of the two demons had decided to leave the cafe after all their friends stormed out. They had walked to a nearby park and were now sitting under a big oak tree. They watched as two kids played hide'n'seek.
"hey Damian, remember that prank I pulled on you a few years back" asks Katie smirking
"oh, how could I forget the day you led me into a deep dark forest at sunset and then disappeared without a trace resulting in me almost dying from a heart attack, good times" says Damian sarcasticly
"c'mon you big baby boo, I said I was sorry" says Katie laughing
Damian just huffed
"It took me hours to find you anyway, why ask about that right now? " asks Damian but suddenly realises what Katie is about to do.
"Don't. You. Dare" warns Damian but its of no use.
"TAG YOUR IT"screams Katie socking Damians arm and just like that, she was gone
" oh come on! "exclaims Damian and with that, the chase begins, after an hour of hopeless scavenging, he finally found her lazing behind a boulder. He slowly crept up on her and.......
" BOO! " he screams scaring the sweet demons out of poor Katie
" Aaaaah! " she screams while Damian falls over laughing
"you enjoyed that didn't you, you sick maniacal demon" says Katie playfully
Suddenly Damian stopped laughing and turned to look at Katie with a serious expression
"Katie, your my best friend so I'm not going to lie to you" he then shifted his face into a goofy smile "yes I did".
She then reached forward and whacked him behind his head
"Meanie" she accuses
"okay,I deserved that" says Damian rubbing the back of his head.
Suddenly the heavenly music of the ice-cream truck was heard
"ICE-CREAM" shouted Katie
Damian just chuckled at her enthusiasm. His humour, however, was short lived as Katie forcefully dragged him towards the truck filled with frosty heaven. They waited in line which was surprisingly long, finally the got their ice creams, Katie had cookie'n'cream while Damian had chocolate.
Suddenly Katie was pushed to the side by a girl who was clearly older.
"Hey" both Damian and Katie cried together
"Out of the way brats" the girl snapped
Damian helped Katie up to her feet, to her horror, she realised that she had spilled her ice cream all over her outfit, and she'd worked so hard on it.
Damian, noticing her distress called the girl,
"hey, you could at least have the decency to apologise"
The girl whipped her head around. It was then that they had a good look at her, she had ivory black hair and icy blue eyes. She looked like a high school girl but it was hard to tell because of all the makeup she had smudged on her face. She sneered at the two young demons.
"well maybe you shouldn't have been in my way" she snapped
"hey, no need to start a brawl, we can talk this out" suggests Katie a bit worried.
"She pushed you, she could at least say that she's sorry" defends Damian.
"I'm not apologising for your clumsiness and kiddies like you shouldn't be playing with the big kids, you might get hurt" The girl taunts.
"Woman, I'll show you who's going to get hurt" cried Damian and got ready to pounce only to be held back by Katie.
"Damian, she's not worth it" says Katie wisely.
Damian takes a deep breath.
"Your right, let's go" says Damian while giving the girl his own version of the bat glare and if you thought the infamous Bat glare was bad, imagine it being combined with the acidic Al Ghul glare. A scary thought indeed.

The girl despite being absolutely intimated, was stupid enough to retaliate with,
"Yeah, terrorist, better listen to your bitch" which was an obvious jab to Damian's Arabian heritage.
"Excuse me!"
"What did you just call her!?"
Damian was enraged, not only was this girl making comments about his heritage but she also called Katie a bitch. He was ready to shed blood but before he could do anything, Katie tackled that girl onto the ground.
"You do not speak to him that way, You get it! " she screamed while tugging on the girls hair.
"Aaaaaaah! Get fucking off me" screamed the girl.

Damian, who was a little lost at this point, decided it would be better if they don't get charged for assault today. So he tried to separate the two.
"Katie, Katie let her go! For godsake, people are looking! " said Damian pulling her off.
"Let go Damian! I'm going to show this bitch what it really feels like to be terrorized!" snapped Katie.
"Go to fucking hell, both of you" screamed the girl.
"been there and I really don't know why people assume it's all bad. It's fucking awesome down there!" Katie retaliated leaving the girl very confused as Damian dragged her away.

The next few moments were filled with a tense silence. As they walked back from the park to the cafe where they had called their cars to pick them up. Katie kept glancing at Damian nervously as if to figure out if he was mad or just disappointed. She didn't know which was worst.
Suddenly Damian's stoick expression turned into a grin and then a full out cackle. He laughed until he was wheezing for breath.
"Whaaa...?" says Katie, clearly confused.
"so, she wasn't worth it, huh?" asks Damian amused as he finally calms his laughter. Katie instantly blushes and looks away.
"Well, that was until she called you a terrorist" mutters Katie.
"Katie, people will call me stuff because I'm half Asian. That's not even the worst of it but the important thing is that I don't blow at someone because as you said 'they're not worth it'" explains Damian then after a minute of thought "but you gotta admit, it was hilarious how fast you tackled her."
"jerk" mutters Katie socking Damian in the arm. He just laughs and even she can't stop a small smile from gracing her lips.
The rest walk goes by in a more comfortable silence. Together they make their way to their car's. Lizzie is there to pick Katie up while Alfred is there to pick Damian.

"So, how was it?" asks Lizzie as Katie gets into the car. She turns her head to see Katie staring at towards the car Damian had gotten into with a dazed smile on her face.
"hmmm... It was nice" says Katie dreamily still staring towards the direction Damian's car is going as he drives of into the sunset.

Little did she know he was doing the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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