Chapter 5

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Damian flopped on his bed both mentally and physically exhausted from the flirting lesson given to him by his siblings. Now he was even more confused on what to do. Luckily he knew just who to text

Damian : I need ur help

Felix : 4 what

Damian :u remember Katie

Felix : yeah y

Damian : she has shifted 2 Gotham and I have come 2 realise that my feelings for her are more than just a friend

Felix : Well, no shit sherlock

Damian : what do you mean by that

Felix : dude, I've known you for a while now and can tell by the way you look at her that you really like her

Damian : okay so what should I do, I don't want to ruin our friendship

Felix : usually asking her out would be my best advice but since you don't want to be very obvious, make it a group thing, ask her to bring some friends and u invite some of your friends as well

Damian : Ok can u come to the new frosty freeze cafe down town tomorrow at 5, heard the ice cream shakes are awesome, that's where I'll be inviting Katie

Felix : Sure :)

Damian sighed in relief, he should have just asked Felix in the first place, now to invite Katie

Katie's pov

I was sitting in my room, bored to death when I got a text from Damian

Damian : hey, me and Felix are going 2 the frosty freeze cafe tomorrow at 5,I'll be inviting my friend Jon as well, wanna come, u can invite ur friends as well

Yay! Finally he's asking me out but wait, its a group thing, well who should I take, Natasha is an obvious choice and I'll ask Anne if her mom will let her come

Katie : sure I'll be there ☺️

Time skip to the next day

3rd person pov

Katie's house
Katie modeled in front of the mirror when her outfit was done, she was pleased with how she looked.

She grabbed her phone and texted Natasha Katie : are u ready

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She grabbed her phone and texted Natasha
Katie : are u ready

Natasha : yep, your mom is picking us up right

Katie : yeah your house is not that far from here so I will pick you up in 5 - 10 minutes

Natasha : okay, I can't wait 2 meet the boy who stole the heart of the daughter of the devil

Katie : yeah and he's bringing friends as well, who knows, maybe you'll find love in one of them

Natasha : as if ;)

Damian Wayne X OCWhere stories live. Discover now