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*Your POV*

Me and my boyfriend Taylor Caniff were both in his car. He was driving, I was the passenger. We were driving home from the airport, as we had just visited Taylor's home state Indiana to meet his parents. We both were pretty worn out. Taylor, as usual, was driving pretty fast. I started to drift off...

I woke up to a loud smash and smashed my head into the side of the car, breaking the window. Everything happened too fast for me to process all the information. Next thing I know, the car is rolling over. I hit my head again and everything went black.

*Taylor's POV*

I lay there in the car, hanging out the window. The car was upside down. I had cuts all over me, including my head, which started to bleed a lot. I suddenly felt this pain in my arm. I broke my arm. I climb out of the car and look for Y/N. I limp over to her side of the car, and see her motionless and bleeding pretty badly.

"Y/N? Y/N!" I yell to her, shaking her gently. I run out to the street and see people who stopped their cars and got out. I limp over to someone.

"Help! Please! My girlfriend is unconscious!" I beg the person. They call 911 and help get Y/N out of the car. The ambulance arrives and takes both of us to the hospital. I see Y/N being rushed into some other place, while I'm being taken to a room. I suddenly pass out.

I woke up later with an IV attached to me, in a hospital bed. I had a cast on my arm and several stitches on my head and arms. I call for the nurse.

"Where's Y/N..." I ask quietly, still a bit out of it.

"She's in the room next door. She's... she's not doing so well." She answers. I am sent into a sudden panic.

"I need to see her!" I begin, starting to stand up.

"Sir, you need to lay down and relax. You will be able to see her once you can stand." She replies firmly. Tears start to form in my eyes.

*The next day*

The nurse comes into my room.

"You are clear to leave the hospital. You may sign out." The nurse states.

"Can I see Y/N?" I ask.

"I don't know if that's really a good idea..." replied the nurse.

"I need to see her. Now." I say firmly. I walk out of my room into Y/N's room. I see her laying down with closed eyes, motionless.

"Y/N. Babe." I softly call out to her. No reply.

"W-what's wrong with her?" I ask the nurse.

"She got hit pretty badly in the crash. I'm sorry to say that she's in a coma." The nurse nervously answers. Right then and there is where I lost it.


Hey guys! Don't worry there will be a part 2!! This one is a bit longer than the rest so I decided to split it into to parts. Don't forget to like!

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