Crash [Part 2]

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*Taylor's POV*

"She's in a coma." the nurse told me.

I lost it. I walk over to Y/N laying on the bed. I fall to my knees, and hold her hand. I put my head down and just cried.

"Y/N wake up please, please!" I call to her, hoping, by some miracle, she would wake up. All she did was lay motionless.

*Your POV*

I feel as if I'm in some sort of trance, paralyzed. I heard what sounded like sobbing. I heard someone saying something.

"Wake up please, please!" is what I heard. It was Taylor! I tried calling out to him. No one could hear me. I screamed as loudly as I could. No one seemed go hear me. I couldn't move any part of me to show Taylor that I am still here. I kept screaming, hoping, magically, someone would be able to hear me. It felt awful. Taylor was sitting there dealing with me being in a coma with the small chance of survival, but yet here I am, with no way of letting him know I haven't gone yet. I heard footsteps and a door closing. Everyone must have left the room.

*Taylor's POV*

There was no way to get her to wake up. There was no use trying. So I just gave up and left the room. I drove back to our house, and as soon as I walked in through the front door, I just broke down.

"Why... Why her? Why did this have to happen to her?!" I yelled out. I fell to my knees and just sobbed into my hands. Horrible thoughts crossed my mind. What if she never wakes up? What if I never see her again? This was all too much for me.


A/N: yeah yeah I know, it's short. Part 3 will be the last part. Hope you enjoy it!:)

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