Restlessness (Chapter 3)

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We've been back on the road for almost three hours now, and are starting to get much closer to the campgrounds. I could tell we're closer since everyone is also getting a little cranky from traveling for so long. My parents are both talking upfront, but it's us kids in the back who are starting to just about get on one another's last nerve. The three of us know this and are trying to not let it get there, but it's really hot and we're tired of being in a car.

"Riley, could you maybe cool it with the singing?" Cole asks while holding a portable fan so close to his face that the fan wings are actually brushing against him.

"Sorry, I just can't get the songs out of my head" Riley responds while looking down at her notebook that she's been drawing in.

"But it's been almost 5 months since your school put on Tarzan." Cole pleads back.

"Yeah, but I really liked playing an ape!"

"More like ape number seventy-five..." Cole's voice trails off.

"What?" Riley asks a little too loud.

"Nothing! Just go back to drawing. It's quieter." Cole answers back quickly while handing Riley a crayon.

Riley goes back to coloring but not before she first gives Cole a look.

Cole is sitting in the middle between Riley and I, so I am able to feel a bit of a breeze from my brother's mini portable fan. It's the kind of fan that you can by at the dollar store. My mom bought one for each of us impulsively while we were on line to pay the other day for our camping necessities. Mine and Riley's are still in our suitcase in the trunk, but i'm kind of wishing I opened mine up sooner too.

"Can I use your fan for a little bit?" I ask.

"Why didn't you just bring in yours?" Cole responds without even looking at me. I can tell he is uncomfortable from the heat just as much as I am.

"Because I didn't. I wish I did, but it's in the trunk"

Finally looking over at me he responds, "Fine".

I guess I got lost in the satisfaction of the cool air because I was startled by it being quickly taken away from me.


"Hey!" Cole mimics back. "You should have remembered yours".

"It's not like I forgot it, I just didn't open it early look you. If anything, you might lose it later for opening it too soon!"

"Says the girl who wants to hold it!"

Before I can irritate the situation even more, my sister points out that our location has changed. My dad made a quick detour to a Carvel Ice cream drive through. Good call dad, good call.


Who knew what wonders fifteen minutes of ice cream can do to a bunch of irritable kids? After ice cream not only were we were energized, but we were all holding a personal portable fan.

"So we only have an hours drive left. Think we can make it in once piece?" Dad says back to us while looking at us from his mirror.

We all respond yes in unison, happy to not have to share a fan or listen to more show tunes.

The last hour up to the camp was actually really nice. The sky was starting to turn to its evening glow, and we had shut the air conditioner to let in fresh air from the country. This air was different from back home and had a great summer easy-living kind of effect.

The time had come. We were greeted by the big wooden sign 'Rockwood Campgrounds'. I think we all sighed a big sigh of relief and were elated to finally be at our favorite summer place.


"Good evening Sprouse family. We are happy to see you have arrived for yet another summer stay." said the front desk clerk. I think I remember this woman from last summer. I don't remember her name tag reading Joyce, but I do remember her bangs and glasses.

"Thank you!" my dad replied with a big smile. He was clearly tired, but so glad to make it here.

While my parents continued to speak with Joyce, especially my mom with her usual questions concerning directions to nearby attractions and hours of use for the indoor swimming pool, Riley, Cole, and I proceeded to sit down on the nearby couches next to the fire place and. It wasn't too long before Riley got up to make herself an instant hot chocolate, but Cole and I remained on the couches, probably too tired to move.

" I can't believe we are so tired and we still haven't even seen the Apa family." I quietly say.

"I know." Cole stares off into the fire place.

I laugh looking over at him. "Will you have any energy for KJ?"

Cole looks over without saying anything. He is so tired.

"Will you be able to keep up with KJ's energy?" I tease. I think I'm starting to wake up now... and so is Cole with that comment.

"Of course! I'm just saving all my energy for" He thinks... "for this!" And with that somehow Cole gains his strength enough to pick me up from the couch only to then throw me back down onto the couch.

With my hair all over the place and my face sandwiched between the cushion and my brother's body, I suppress my laughs just enough to cry out for Riley. At the point at which Riley comes to save me, Cole has already gotten up to join my parents and Joyce.

Riley and I then run over to join them and hear Joyce sharing about the new amenities to the camp lake outside the cabins. I can't help but smile widely at the thought of swimming in the lake. I love Summer.

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