(2) Lil' 'Bout Lil' Me

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Alright so in these life books your supposed to know about it right?

Okay, here we go.

So I'm in eight grade but I graduate in about 3 months so yay for that. I'm a dancer. I have danced since I was three and do all styles. 'Cept for pole, sorry any creepy guys. What else, I also sing! I've been taking singing lessons since fourth grade and I'm really starting to like it. I act, more on that later, but that's my main passion. My life goal is to win the "Best Actress Award" at the Oscars. And yeah, I know that's literally EVERYONE'S life goal, that's why you might think I'm a basic bitch.

Enough about hobbies. I'm really edgy. Legit I'm putting up a sign in my room that says, "EDGE." And I can be very sarcastic, but it seems like everyone on Wattpad is so I'll fit right in. I do tend to swear a lot, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum for y'all right now.

Ant I think that bout sums it up! I don't want to give too much away you know ;-).

-Deliah <3

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