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Justins pov

I'm happy im going back on tour again. It was getting really boring staying home all the time.

I don't get to see maya often cause she's always working or hanging out with other friends.

When she does come over Tyler is always here and I never get a chance just to spend time with her, cause I'm with Tyler.

I'm glad he comes alot so I won't be so lonely, but at the same time I would like to be with my bestfriend just me and her you no.

Not me,her,and Tyler. I can imagine how she must felt. Third wheeling when we cuddle while we popcorn. Having to hear my moans and tyler when we suck eachothers necks off.

I would feel pretty left out.

Besides that part. I'm glad we're going to tour cause I get to see raegan.

It's been a very long time since we have seen eachother face to face you know.

We're still great friends. I miss him dearly.

Sometimes when I'm laying in bed with Tyler and I check my Instagram before I go to sleep I see people make edits with me Raegan and Tyler.

Or when ever the 15 of each month passes I see some fans post things about missing jaegan.

If we were still together we would be a year and something months of us dating.

As much as I care about Tyler how can I forgot about the boy I first loved.

He was my first for everything really.

It's impossible for me to forget the date with began to date.

It means to much.

Sometimes Tyler gets upset cause people still ship jaegan and want me and raegan to be together.

He likes raegan trust me he doesn't hate him. I mean who can he's like literally the best.

He's on of the closest people to me.

I still go to him if I have a problem. I mean I sometimes tell Tyler , but sometimes I feel like he just doesn't get it you know.

Me and raegan can understand each other.


' hey babe what are you doing ?' Tyler cheerfully says.

' o-oh hey I'm just thinking ' I give a weak smile.

' is everything ok?'

' yea, yea I'm fine. '

' ok if you say so love, just if anything pops up please talk to me about it. Yea? '

' mhm ' I nod.

I kiss him softly as he lays next to , and cuddle up in a ball.

I play with his hair so he can fall asleep. His hair is soft, but not like raegans.

I remember his hair was so thick and soft. You can run your fingers through them and enjoy the feeling of your hand rubing against his little baby hairs he has in some places.

I smile at that thought.

' hey ' Tyler says.

' yea babe ? '

' are you nervous about seeing raegan , cause you know he's your ex ' Tyler asked.

' uh n-no not really why ? '

' cause ever since we have invited him you have been ' daydreaming ' and staying to yourself alot; it's a bit concerning if you ask me. '

' oh sorry '

' it's fine, let's just cuddle yeah ? '

' mhm ' I nodded.

I crawl up next to Tyler. As we cuddle , am I really sorry for thinking so hard about this tour ?


Aye there goes my first chapter of this book. Honestly this chapter was trash, but o whale.

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