218 21 13

Raegans pov

I'm a bit scared, worried , and confused.

Why would tyler invite me to the ' jyler ' tour.

I've never met the kid in person. I've only see him through FaceTime when I talk to justin. Which is kinda annoying cause I called JUSTINS phone for a reason. Not tylers.

Yea yea, don't give me ' they are dating bullshit ' i know they are.

I just have mixed feelings about it.

It's not that I dont want Justin to date Tyler it's that I've heard so much drama that he has been in or started that concerns me.

What if they break up, and justin has told Tyler really perosnal stuff and if they end on bad terms Tyler expose Jay to embarrass him.

That's what bugs me about jyler ( honestly same ) they cute or watever

I just don't see the break up doing well.

I start to back my bags and personal belongings that I might need.

My flight leaves at 12 am and it's currently 10.

I've practically been avoiding packing.

Psh, I'm to cool to pack.

I turn to my left so I can grab some more clothes right as my phone lights up.

It's from justin. Great.

J: hey!

R: hey Jay what's up ?

J: im good, you?

R: eh, alright I guess.

J: oh, is everything okay?

R: why are you texting me justin. Don't you have tyler to talk to .

J: yeah... But he's asleep.

J: obviously there is something wrong please talk to me.

R: justin I can't.

J: why not.

R: because ...

J: raegan.

R: i- I miss you...

J: i- I know .

R: you know?

J: yeah, a little.

R: do you miss me too?

J: raegan I can't. Please dont make me answer this question.

R: fine

J: raegan.

R: yes..

J: i- .. see you soon ya?

R: okay, I have to finish packing anyways .

J: okay, bye.

And with that I left him on read.

Ugh why why why, why did I have to break up with him. Out of all people why.


Hey guys oof, I juts reread the first chapter, and as you can tell I didn't go back and change my mistake sorry. I hope you guys likie?

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