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Boarding the plane

Justin, Raegan, and Tyler are all boarding the plane and taking their seats.

Justin is kind of still shook by the fact that raegan called him babe, and it caused him to have butterflies. Butterflies!

Raegan was missing the warmth, love, and compassion that him and justin used to have. He missed it all. He missed that happy raegan. He missed the loveable raegan. He missed the raegan that was once justins.

Tyler was so clueless on how both of he guys felt. He was just madly in love with justin. So was justin. He loved Tyler he loved Tyler so much, but justin is confused. Tyler just wanted to get on the plane so he could sleep the whole 5 hrs to LA.

Justins pov

We were walking to the gate, Tyler in the front while me and raegan where in the back.

Raegan keeped on giving me this look.

The look he first gave me when he told me he loved me.

It was the look that made me fall for raegan.

I wasn't the first one to say ' I love you ' to him.

I was to scared. Scared of rejection from the boy who i was falling head over heals for.

The night he told me he loved me. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Me and raegan where cuddling watching Netflix of course.
I haven't told him that I like him.
No. Not yet.
He's not going to feel that same way justin.
You're going to get hurt.
You're going to be single forever.
Raegan will never be yours.
He will stop talking to you as quick as you told him that you had feelings for him.
" Justin, justin!"
"Huh yeah ?"

" What where you thinking about ? "
"So, nothing caused you to zone out like that"
"Justin talk to me "
"No raegan"
"Yes baby"
"Baby?,and it's still no "
"Yeah, I can't call you baby? "
"Uh er I don't know "
" I don't know? "
" Yes Rae I'm right here silly " justin giggles.
"Kiss me"
I was stop by his lips. They were so soft,smooth. They were perfect that's the word. The kiss was a truthful honest kiss. Not a kiss of lust.  A kiss of love
3rd person pov
As raegan continued to kiss justin , he began to want more. He started to kiss justin harder demanding for entrance. He bits justins bottom lip for permission, with justin response raegan knew it was a yes.
Raegans tongue roamed and touched with justins. Justin started to pull raegans hair basically asking for me. It turned raegan on like crazy. The way justin slid his hand in raegans hair and giving it a light pull drove him nuts, but raegan wasn't having it. He wanted to take control of justin. Not the other way around.
He started to kiss harder, and slowly start to lead justin to the bed.
At this point the kiss was sloppy.
Raegan could feel himself getting hard by the min. As justin wrapped his legs around raegans torso raegan could also feel justin getting hard as well.
( They both have bottom surgery in this book okay, and no smut isn't gonna happen right now sowwy )

Justins pov
I let raegan get on top of me. I can tell he wants control and that is what im going to give him.
The moment he layed on top of me I could feel my yeah that get hard.
I ached, and ached when he would move the slightest on top of me.
He started to suck on my sweet spot surprisingly for our first time kissing he knew exactly where it was. That's a shocker.
" Mm" I moaned quietly.
I can feel raegan's smile on my neck.
More like a smirk.
" R- raegan more pls " I begged.
I wanted him.
I haven't lost my virginity yet.
Maybe tonight will be the night.
Raegan starts to move up and down slowly on my dick. The friction that both of our underwear was giving was unbelievable.
I started to pull his whole entire body on top of mines as he starts to pick up the pase. At this point both of us were hard. I was scratching his back so therefore it was read as hell.
My legs were wrapped around his torso.
So I was getting all the friction I could get.
I didn't care if his dick want inside me it was literally rubbing on me.
Which also feels good so I didn't have a big problem with that.
I didn't moan alot cause believe it or not I was still shy in this whole process.
I started to feel a knot in my stomach . A huge knot.
" B-baby I think I'm going to-"
" Yea me too?"
" Can I ?" I moaned.
" Yes baby you can"
I cumed all over my underwear and  raegans . He also did the same.
My eyes where rolled back I swear I look fucking possessed or something
But it was goooooood.
We just kinda of layed their on top of eachother. Cuddling.
Raegan kissed my forehead and whispered inside of me ear.
" I love you "
I look up at him a smile. I smiled so big and said.
" I love you too "

That moment was the best moment ever.

It's a memory I will never ever forget.

I won't forget cause raegan was my first love.

Now Tyler is my second. ( I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm starting to Stan Tyler again! Eh as long as he doesn't do any wrong I'm fine okay back to the story )

We are greeted by the pilot and some of the flight attendance.

Me and raegan and tyler put up our luggage and take our sits.

Tyler to my right.

Raegan to my left.

Oh boy.

Oop I updated but I hope my bby boy justin gets well and I hope Tyler gets well too. 💞

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