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Justin pov

I'm here at the airport waiting for raegan. He should be here any minute by now.

It is 3:24 am and he left Maryland around 12.

We are all flying on the same plane together. Our sits are all together as well.

Tyler was the one who told raegan to sit with us. I don't mind that he sits with us, but I am a bit concerned.

I don't want him to feel left out. To make it even worse he sits right next to me.

Tyler sits by the walkway, I sit in the middle, while raegan sits by the window.

I just hope nothing happens or tyler suspects anything to happen.

I mean nothing should be happening right?

I see raegan coming from a few feet Away, I run as fast as i can into his arms while he swing me around.

I missed our hugs like this.

When I hug Tyler it's more of a make out hug.

Of course I like it cause im a horny little fuck, but I can't help it.

I hug him, tightly , I don't want to let go. I never want to let go. It's been ages since I seen raegan.

I whisper into his ear ' I've missed you so much '

I can feel his cheeks starts to rise. My ears feels warm.

It's like I get butterflies all over again when I'm with him.

Like it feels like the first day I laid eyes on him.

" I've missed you too, babe "

I smile. At the same time I feel like I want to throw up.

I let go of him , and look up at him. He smiles and giggles.

" I see your cheeks are read there buddy " raegan teases.

I cover my hand over my face and look away.

I see Tyler walking closer to us.

I forgot that I literally ran like what felt like a mile to hug raegan.

" Are you ready to go guys ?" He asked.

I nod my head and so does raegan.

Here we go.

Oop here's an chapter :)

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