{Chapter 4} The Run

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~Craig's POV~
  I'm so happy I finally get to hang out with (Y/N) again after all these years. It feels so good to see her. We're not even 5 minutes into our run and I'm already having the time of my life. God is she beautiful.
  "You good, bro? You seem like you have a lot on your mind." (Y/N) said. I didn't respond because I didn't notice she said anything. "Craig?" She said. "Oh, um, yeah! I'm good!" I replied. It was obvious I was thinking about her, hopefully she won't notice. "Okay... but you do know I'm always here if you need anything. I'm serious, bro." She said.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I knew something was wrong. He was thinking about something really important and I could just tell by how he acted. I didn't want to press it, so I just let it go. "So, where we off to?" I asked Craig. "Just the park. After, we can get something to eat if you'd like. I left the kids with Smashley so I'm free for the whole week, so if you feel like having a huge party like we used to, keg-stand Craig is more than ready." He joked. He's so cute, I can't get over it. Everything about him is, from his personality to his amazing looks. "Oh, you know it." I said, giggling slightly. We finally got to the park and did 2 laps around the whole thing. "That was just the warmup, now it's time for the real thing." Craig said. What the fuck. HOW WAS THAT JUST THE WARMUP? HOW AM I SWEATING BULLETS AND TIRED AS SHIT AND HE'S PERFECTLY FINE? "You ready?" Craig asked and smiled. "Bring it on." I said to him.
13 laps later and I'm about ready to die. How the fuck does he do this everyday? There's no way he's a human, I swear to God. "Alright. Now we're gonna climb these stairs." Craig said, pointing to a huge set of stairs in the distance. Jesus fucking Christ. We walked over to them and I looked up to the top. "They're... really tall." I nervously said. "See the top? Well, that's not the top. That's about halfway up." Craig replied. Death here I come!
We started making our way up to the top and I could barely walk. He wasn't too far ahead of me, but he was far enough so I can stare at his ass. Damn, does he have a nice ass. We made it to what I thought was the top and he handed me a water. "You good?" He asked as I gulped down all the water. "Yeah, I'm great!" I replied, trying not to sound sarcastic. "I can tell you're tired. Here bro, let me help." Craig picked me up bridal-style and started walking up the stairs. He looked down and smiled at me, I smiled back. This is amazing. I'm so glad I agreed to come on this run. "You're so cute." Craig muttered. "What?" I asked. "Oh, I said, um- hey look we're at the top!" Craig said to me. I turned my head to see that we were nowhere near the top. "Craig, we are nowhere near the top. You've always been a bad liar." I said to him, laughing a little. "But seriously, what did you say?"

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