{Chapter 8} Roadtrip

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
"Hey, bro? Isn't it around the time for your afternoon run?" I asked Craig as we walked to his house. "Yeah, come to think of it, it is. I'm not going to go on it today though. It's worth missing it if I get spend time with you. How about we go camping? I already have a ton of camping shit in the car. I haven't done it in forever and I always have it lying around in case I ever decide to." he replied. "I would absolutely love to." I said. He had such a way with words and he always knew what to say. He's... perfect. "How about we do something instead of sitting inside all day?" Craig asked me. "Well, I do that everyday. It'd be nice to do something different for once." I said jokingly, even though I was being serious. "I'll take you somewhere new, don't you worry. Just hop in my car, I'll grab the keys and then we'll be off. It'll be a surprise." he told me. I loved surprises, especially from him. The thought of spending a whole day just with him sounded like actual heaven.
I got into the passenger side of his car and waited patiently for him to arrive. After about 3 minutes, he opened the door and got in. He smiled at me and started the car. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready's my middle name." I said. "Actually, your middle name is (M/N), but whatever you say." he joked. He started to pull out of his carport and into the street. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I was sure as hell excited. At a red light, he stopped and plugged his phone into the aux cord. What kind of music does Craig listen to nowadays? After a few seconds, a song started playing. It was To Where You Are, an old song we used to listen to together back then. Jesus, this song is still as beautiful as it was back then. Craig was lip-syncing the entire time, which I'm surprised I wasn't. He looked right into my eyes and continued to lip-sync as this part came on:

You're still an inspiration
Can it be?
That you are mine
Forever love

I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. I lip-synced the next part back to him:

And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

This went on and on for the remainder of the song. Every time, we'd get more and more into it. He even held my hand at one point and kissed it. I couldn't ask for a better day than this. After the song ended, more old songs we used to listen to played. When he was changing one of the songs, I caught a glimpse of the playlist name on his phone. It was titled "Songs (Y/N) and I used to listen to" That's probably the most wholesome and sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life. "And we're here!" Craig announced proudly. We got out of his car and I was absolutely astonished by the sight I saw.

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