{Chapter 7} Asleep

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"I- uh." Craig stuttered. "Think we should go check on Amanda, b-bro."
~Craig's POV~
  Wow, Craig. Nice fucking save. Made you slightly look dumb, but she'll think you care about her and her family (which I do) and could lead to her possibly like you more than she already does, whether the liking is as a friend or not. "Yeah, gotta make sure she isn't doing any crack or pot." she joked. We then walked over to her house. I sort of wish I told her how I felt, but I'm just afraid she won't feel the same. I have to learn to take chances more though. Ugh, I'm so fucking confused on what to do. (Y/N) unlocked the door and walked in, with me following behind her. "Amanda?" she yelled out. "Hello?" No response. "(Y/N), she's probably just our with her friends. Don't worry." I said to her, trying to calm her down. "I'll try calling her." she said and picked up her phone. She dialed Amanda's number and waited for her to pick up. All of a sudden, we heard a phone ringing coming from a blanket under the couch. I looked at (Y/N), to the couch, then back at (Y/N). I watched her walk over to the couch and yank off the blanket, revealing a sleeping Amanda. I saw (Y/N) smile and place the blanket back on her. "Thank God she was here the whole time." she said to me. "I would've died if I lost Amanda." she sighed and hugged me. I was slightly confused as to why she was hugging me, but I didn't mind much and hugged back. "I'm always here if you need anything." I said to (Y/N). "Same to you, bro." she said and gave me a big smirk. Her smile made me so happy. Seeing her happy was like petting a puppy, which is an amazing thing. "How about we go back to my place since Amanda's asleep?" I asked. "Sounds great!" (Y/N) replied. I'm so lucky to have such an angel in my life.

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