Chapter 8

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Quick fact: Neanderthals could bench press 300 to 400 pounds. they also didn't have a waist.

She lay stiffly beside him as reina dozed softly in her arms. It had been three days since he had touched her. She didn't know what she was feeling. It felt like extreme fear but not like it at all. Nervousness perhaps. Flightiness.

She had found no blood and no pain coming from the place their bodies had joined. She had desired . . . she stopped herself from thinking of this. Nykrion didn't sleep as she didn't they simply pretended otherwise.

Tonight as they ball gather to groom after eating he had gone to another female of his kind. Not one of his sisters she had found the two affectionate females to be. A relatively new member to the clan.

Nykrions sisters and Deer had groomed her as she did the same. He groomed Makta. The spike of anger and hurt had grew within her. He barely noticed her he only gave her note when Reina was concerned.

'I am the milk cow.' She curled around Reina and closed her eyes to sleep. Leaving behind these hurtful thoughts.


Nykrion sighed heavily as he watched Lanna as Kinan talked sharply to him.

"You dare take this female from her home and she willingly sees to your child and tries to save her and then go to the likes of Makta?!" she hissed softly.

"It is no concern of yours." he snapped giving up trying to hit the flint he had knapped for days now in just the right spot to break the core from the main rock.

"If you abandoned Lanna to just being a milk source for your child I will see to it Makta will not be here by spring. I am lead female here. What I say goes." she thumped his arm and went to help Lanna with scrapping furs.

He watched the strange females work as he tried to get back to his task. It was impossible. He had given the female space and distance. He had thought perhaps she didn't want to be his mate. So he had thought to try with Makta.

'Kinan will not have it.' he thought bitterly.

Hours later as he sat away from his eating clan he was still mulling over his thoughts. The shadow of Zeer made him break his stare at Lanna.

"Tell me What troubles you?" He groaned as he sat.

"The female. She will not have me. Even though I have tried to show her my intent. She will not accept the joining of bodies. " he huffed. "Most of all she won't talk to me or look at me."

"You told me she was forced. And she does not realize the intent you mean for she does not know our language. Give her time. Let her learn and feel safe here. Then try again." he advised.

"I am not those males. And she wanted it until she remembered and I gave her time and space. Now fours suns have passed and she won't even look at me." he growled frustrated.

" She is like a flighty bird having been scared from her nest. This nervousness is good it means she is affected by you. Don't you remember how it was when you were young?" Seer sighed heavily. "She doesn't know how to feel about it. Give her time." he lay his head upon his grandsons lap and allowed his fingers to run through his grey locks.

All the while his fingers danced through his grandfathers hair his eyes remained locked onto the smiling female. He could barely remember a time when his eyes strayed from her.


She laughed at Gurn's story telling of a hunt. His acting was funny and caused many to laugh and chuckle. She was glad to be able to join in.

"Lanna."Kinan motioned to over her shoulder to where Nykrion sat staring at her as he groomed Zeer. "Nykrion la niera tu"

"Da" she replied. He was watching her. Over the last days of silence between them the sisters had commented on his staring.

She didn't let her eyes connect with his and turned back to the tale. She laughed and smiled along with her new friends. Until strong hands brought her to lean back into a wide muscled chest. She stiffened at the first contact they had had since the bathing pool.

"Le triena Lanna " he murmured in her ear. An apology she realized.

They stood after the tales had ended and the grooming and went to their area. There he pulled the furs over them and pulled her into his warmth. Safety and comfort made her drift to sleep.

Cloying warmth woke her as she lifted her head groggily from her sleep. Tingles shot through her body as large hands cupped and kneaded her breasts. She felt herself rise and fall with breaths. She shifted slightly from her odd position and from the embarrassment of this situation.

"Sh Lanna" he said quietly.

It seemed that with little to no privacy in the cave the pairs would do as they pleased. All would turn a blind eye to it, ignore it and go on. The couple would keep the noise down in return. In her clan it was different. Privacy was more available to a couple newly married.

"Nykrion." she complained softly as his hands once more stilled. She shifted to the side and lay down on her side in the position she had fallen asleep in.

"Lanna tu moa rama." he said into her ear. "Reina drai nieva" he added gently.

She closed her eyes as she hummed slightly in acknowledgement to his words. She was lifted slightly and his arm came up underneath her. It settled comfortably on her breast again. The other came around and did the same to her other breast. The motions continued and she sighed heavily and allowed him to continue.

Hours could have passed and she slipped into a doze. she didn't remember him ceasing his motions and woke to the light of morning. Reina whimpered softly as she wanted food. She rose up and placed her at her breast. The little one suckled for all her might. When she became discontented she took her to Kinan who stared awake.

Kinan took the babe and yet paused to gaze at the lite white sheen in her mouth. She motioned for her to see but she already saw. It was working.

She didn't want to tell Nykrion yet. For now she would give it more time.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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