Chapter 5

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You dreamed of being held up into the sky with a pair of broad arms. Then drifting down into a dip!


"(Y/N)?! Are you alright? …. It's just a dream. It's a dream… a nightmare." Steve got up to sit while he places his hand on your chest. Rubbing you gently in slow circles while he buried his chin onto your nape, resting there for a while. He was half asleep while he felt an unexpected kick somewhere near his gut.

"It's the third time of the week. The last time this happened was on Monday. No no, Thursday…."

"Friday. It was Friday. You smacked your fist to my face." Steve muttered.

"I'm sorry Steve."

"It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing, I mean it's a dream and no one, as far as I know, no one can control it. Maybe Wanda. That's exceptional."

"I dreamed about you let me go. And I fell... "

"And why would I do that?"

You shrugged. "You were under Hydra."

"Hydra? That green-red ugly…" He scoffed.

You gave Steve a look.

"Right. Hydra." he swallowed. Never once he would think about the sound of it until you mentioned.

"Steve, this is serious. It might be a sign of something… I'm going to check on your parents." you pecked his lips and got up slipping in the closest pair of shorts you can find in the pile of laundry. Both Steve and you own this chair that called 'the chair'. You cringed when you fished up a pair of used boxers.


You tossed it into Steve's sleepy face with a grin. Before leaving the room to the kitchen for a glass of water. You passed by the hallway through the stairs with pictures of you and Steve during your first honeymoon.

The lights of Paris simmered down the wet street and there were the both of you, the rain cleared the night sky as Steve had his arms around you and shared a warm kiss. It was satisfying enough even he preferred to reserve the rest for the night. You had your fingers tracing the picture of him with you in his arms. He stood behind you and smiled genuinely as this picture was taken. But that was months ago... and deep down you knew that none of you two were ready to have a child. At least you think you are… but you wouldn't even want to get asked by his parents. You sighed and reached the door of his parent's room and gave a knock before opening it quietly.

There's Joseph, backed and basically squashed against the wall with a frown in his sleep while his wife pampered herself with all the blanket wrapped around her body like a cozy cocoon. She seems to be smiling in her sleep while she faces out. Her back pressured against her husband invading more of his bed space.

You hold back your laughter and slowly close the door with a quiet click before heading back to the kitchen. Things will have change from now on. You hipped your arms before opening the jam-packed fridge. Which means the groceries will have to be more stocked up than ever! It's nothing unusual that you tend to cook more for Steve. Like he literally eats more than three men. From three cheeseburgers for lunch outside and at least five to seven eggs each day, he's always clearing the groceries and had made your grocery shopping more 'interesting' he would say. Even the cashier recognizes you for buying six cartons of milk and a load of other snacks every Sunday and attempt to flirt with you. He then learned his lesson anyways after Steve come over with a bag of delayed lettuce.

After all, what difference does it make for sleeping another hour while you can prepare a scrumptious breakfast for the Rogers?

A Little Blue Goes A Long Way  (Ft. Joseph & Sarah Rogers!)Where stories live. Discover now