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From: Simon

Come to recording studio now along with the boys. Thanks.

Sunday mornings. Tia, Zayn and Liam were all cuddling up, watching movies in 'The Sick House' (Tia's place) while Harry, Louis and Niall were TRYING to sort out some 'things' before we jet off to Sicily. Eugh. I really wanted this album finished before I went off and Saved the World (or England). I couldn't sleep after we were out of the hospital at about 5am, and I was dead tired. All I felt like doing was drinking coffee, eating chocolate and sleeping. 

But, I needed this album finished. I had already recorded most of the songs in the album, I just needed to record a songs with Pitbull and One Direction and maybe about 2 other songs.

I got ready in my record breaking 10 minutes, and dashed over to Tia's to tell Liam and Zayn we had to go to the studio. The rest of the boys knew about this, and texted me to hurry up.

Through the window I saw Zayn and Liam were eating Doritos along with Tia, and were all cuddled together watching Paranormal Activity 3.

"LAZY ASSES! WE NEED TO GO TO STUDIO! No time, let's go," I shouted from outside, "Bye Tia!"

Confused and blur, Zayn and Liam hurried out squeezing into my car. They made no complaint as I took the driver's seat- they were still not completely recovered, and some of the side effects was confusion, so no driving for them. 

"Hello! You 3 finished your 'things' yet?" I chirped as we burst into the recording room, "Hey Simon."

Harry was going to answer, when Simon interupted. 

"No chatter. Work!" Simon ordered ignoring my greeting completely.

We plodded slowly to a rehersal room and rehearsed our song. (A/N: The original song is actually Fall by Justin Bieber. Just pretend that 1D and Jade wrote it:) Have a listen to the original! And please read the lyrics.) Liam started,

"Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right                                        

Zayn: But did you know that I love you? Or were you not aware?

You're the smile on my face

And I ain't going nowhere

I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while

Harry: What's gonna make you fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don't have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can't fly unless you let ya,

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

Niall: Well I can tell you're afraid of what this might do

Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don't wanna lose

Well I don't wanna lose it either

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