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Hi everyone who reads,

It would be really nice if there were a bit more votes.. :( I mean, there's nothing going on! I don't know whether you guys like it or not, and whether you think its crap or something. Please give feedback no matter what type! I can take 'contructive criticism'! 

Thank you, 

and please vote or something:) 

and love you! xx Marianne 

3 votes? :D


Oh goodness.

The food tasted like Heaven on Earth. The roast chicken just melting in my mouth... The buttered vegetables tasting divine... The thought made my mouth water. 

We were back in the Training Room, which Niall and I nicknamed 'The Prison' - it really does feel like one when you work your ass off with no food!

My group were now on the Aim Test, where we had three lanes and a bullseye target about 20m away. Then we had to try to hit the bullseye (obviously) using bow and arrow, a pistol and a rock. A rock. I was inwardly freaking out right now because it was now time for more pistol practice. We had already gone through the different apparatus about 3 times, each time recording where we hit it. First time with the pistol was alright... But I totally missed it- I hit the blue section. 

Then there was second attempt. I barely missed Lucas' shoulders! I am completely rubbish at the pistol like, forget it. Third attempt hit the red section. I feel proud of myself! 

Now was the fourth attempt. Liam and Niall were bot reasonaly good at aim, while I am completely hopeless, lemme tell you. Liam managed to hit the yellow part (bullseye) once, and Niall; nearly all were on the red section! 

'Okay you can do this kiddo, not that hard, just look at the middle. Yeah that bit! Now aim the pistol at it and just shoot baybeh!' I coaxed myself in my mind as I stared with determination at the target. Liam, Lucas and Niall watched with anticipation, almost feeling the tension in the air thicken. 

"C'mon Jay Jay," Niall whispered behind me. 

I pulled the trigger. The bullet launched into the air. Everything was practically going slow-mo. 

"OH MY GOD SHE DOES IT!" Niall screamed jumping up and down. 

"What are you talking about? I can't even see the friggin bullet, it went off the target!" I grumbled, placing my pistol down on the chair and sulked. 

"What no! Can't you see the bullet launched in the middle?!" Liam said. I took a closer look at the target. 

"Well done Jadee! Right in the center, keep it up like this," Luca applauded. He has taken up a habit of calling me 'Jadee'... 



"YESSSSSSSSS!" I fistpumped jumping around doing a random made up dance. The three guys gave me a warm smile and congratulated my fast progress. I was so happy, I was rolling around! 

It was now fourth round with the rocks. I still don't get the point of the rocks really? But anyway, I'm the best at rocks. Maybe I should become a professional rock thrower. Yey. 

Liam, once again hit it right in center. Not surprising, definitely. Niall comes with the same result, brushing his hands off proudly and putting on a cocky smirk. I too had the same product. But I noticed the rocks get heavier and heavier each time I pick it up. Luca must've changed the rocks while we weren't looking I guess. 

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