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"Because when every thing else felt wrong, he always felt right"

Song for the chapter: Fetish by Selena Gomez.

Nancy's P.O.V;

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the light. I sit up before looking around the room, my heart jumps for a slight second when I don't immediately recognise the room before I calm down when remembering what happened last night.

I look to my side to see FP resting, his naked torso with the blanket only reaching his hips, he looks peaceful so I try to not make much movement so I don't wake him up.

I quietly climb out of his bed, the cold chilling my naked body as I rush to put on his discarded shirt from earlier. 

I make my way to the kitchen to start making breakfast for FP and I. 

A few minutes later, I feel arms wrap around my waist and his hot breath against my neck. "You look so sexy in my clothes" he whispers "but I just want to take them off" he adds as I turn to face him, "I'm not going to stop you" I whisper as he smirks before lifting me up onto the counter and placing himself between my legs.

 "You look so sexy in my clothes" he whispers "but I just want to take them off" he adds as I turn to face him, "I'm not going to stop you" I whisper as he smirks before lifting me up onto the counter and placing himself between my legs

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He slowly takes off the shirt, leaving me bare, before attaching his lips to my neck as my hands began to tug at his hair causing him to let out a low groan. 

Before we can go any further, we hear someone knock on the door. I jump off the counter and grab FP's shirt as I run into his bedroom while FP goes to answer the door. 

"Hey, dad" I hear Jughead say "hey Jug, shouldn't you be at school?" FP asks "not yet, I just wanted to come and see you" Jughead says "okay well this isn't the best time" FP dismisses him nervously "why are you acting so weird?" Jughead questions "is someone here?" Jughead asks "no, of course not" FP lies "what makes you think that?" FP questions "nothing, forget it" Jughead sighs "bye dad" he mumbles "no Jug, we can meet later?" FP suggests "no I wouldn't want to interrupt anything" Jughead retorts, with anger in his voice, as the door closes which could mean that he left.

I wait a few minutes to make sure that Jughead wasn't there before coming out of FP's bedroom. I walk into the living room to see FP sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

I sit down next to him and he immediately leans into me as I bring my hands to play with his hair. 

"Everything okay?" I ask "it's just like old times" FP sighs "what do you mean?" I question "when we first had a relationship, I had to lie to Jughead and pretend that there wasn't another woman in my life" FP answers "I don't like lying to my son" FP admits "do you want to tell him?" I question but FP shakes his head, "he wouldn't understand" FP sighs "he still thinks that me and his mom are going to get back together" FP adds "is there a chance of that?" I question, not really wanting to know the answer, "me and his mom are over" FP looks me in the eye "there is no chance of us ever getting back together" he continues "plus why would I want to when I have you" he smiles "you are all I want" he finishes before placing his lips against mine.

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