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Thank you to @Jinxxgiant1 for giving me this idea. 

A/N: This is just a collection of flashbacks of Nancy and FP, so you can better understand their relationship better - they are in order but with a number of weeks/months between them. Each flashback comes with a song and it probably took me longer to find the songs then it took to write them. The songs add an extra dimension to these flashbacks and you can probably tell a lot about their relationship simply from the song selection. Hope you enjoy. Xx.

Flashback #1 (4 years ago - just started dating) - Who cares by Victoria Dennis. 

Hugging my coat closer to my body, standing outside the place I swore I would never return. 

The Whyte Wyrm.

But I can't help myself, I just need to see him one more time. 

One more deep breathe as I push open the heavy door. The air weighted by the repugnant smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sweaty leather. Much worse than before. 

Quick look around but he is nowhere to be seen. I walk further into the bar, trying to ignore the stares and wolf whistles. 

I sit at the counter, looking around but he still isn't anywhere in my sight. 

"Looking for someone darling?" a unknown figure breathes down my neck "not you unfortunately" I move away from him but he pins me back into my seat. "You'll leave when I'm down with you" he spits "I don't want any trouble please" I plead "well then maybe you shouldn't  have dressed like that" his hands touch over my body. 

I glance down at my outfit, a simple black dress with a coat on top, nothing too out there but just enough for a special someone. 

"Unless you want to be like Gearhead, I suggest you leave the pretty lady alone" a commanding voice comes to my rescue again. The strange man lets go of me as if i burnt him before rushing away. 

"We have to stop meeting like this" FP smiles "you okay?" he questions "yeah thanks" I return the smile. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks "what do you mean?" I counter "this isn't the place for a lady like you" he answers "well what is a place for me?" I ask "the northside" he replies "well I find the southside much more interesting" I say "it's as interesting as it is dangerous" he walks over to the other side of the counter. 

"I like danger" I turn to face him "especially when I have someone to protect me" I add "well I'm not always going to be there" he comments "such a shame" I sigh "I like you around" I flirt. FP looks up at me from whatever drinks he was making, "are you flirting with me Nancy?" he asks shocked "finally you noticed" I smirk "you're very brave" he comments "well when I want something I tend to get it" I state "spoiled?" he remarks "in the best kind of way" I wink. 

"I'm a bit older than what you want" FP dismisses my advances "doesn't matter" I shrug "only means more experience" I smirk. 

"Tell me Nancy, how old are you?" he asks "old enough" I answer "seriously answer the question" he demands "and what do I get out of it?" I smile "just answer" he chuckles. I reach into my purse and pull out my fake ID that said I was 22 and showed it to him. 

"22?" he asks, unconvinced "you don't look it" he comments "thank you" I reply "it's the genetics" I shrug "well then in that case" he starts "here" he passes me one of the drinks he was making. "I was kind of hoping you would be giving me something else tonight " I sip on the drink as FP nearly chokes on his after understanding what I was implying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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