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*flash back 4 months ago*
Jesy pov
   I'm laying on my bed in the dark when my phone lights up on the bed stand next to me. I lye there for a while longer before picking it up. I'm in no rush, I know for certain it's not Jade, so how important could It possibly be.

   Rosie- hey!

It's been a few days since we had our day out and I hadn't heard from her since which honestly neither surprised or hurt me. We we're never really close, our connection was just good. When we were around each other it was always smiles and a blast but truly we didn't hear from each other very frequently.

   Jesy- Hey there Rosie, why you up at this hour? :o

   Rosie- Binge watching. I won't even ask why you're awake... You've never been much of a sleeper have you?

   Jesy- lol. No

   Rosie- Yea, I thought so.

   Jesy- what's up, is everything okay?

   Rosie- straight to the point then aye?

   Jesy- always

   Rosie- wyd tomorrow? Any chance I could steal you away from your world for a little while?

   Jesy- honestly I'm not much in the mood for going out.

   Rosie- thats fine we can stay in and watch some movies if you're up to it.

   Jesy- my place or yours?

   Rosie- yours?

   Jesy- we're all set then. Now go to sleep smh

   Rosie- sure thing mum.

  I set my phone down and continue my aimless staring at the roof. I know I won't be sleeping much, I never can. At least I won't be alone tomorrow. My mind is running at a million thoughts an hour for the rest of the night. I end up falling asleep around 4a.m. and am up again by 7.

  As I look in the mirror I hardly recognize myself. I've always been a mess and in my own eyes I've never been easy on the eye's or anything but now I just look exhausted, almost sick.  I jump in the shower and try to make myself feel alive before later in the day when I know Rosie will be here. I spend the rest of my day trying to keep out of my head. That's for the night. Finally at 6pm I hear a knock at my door. I open it and let Rosie in. She has snacks and what looks like a bag full of Movies. She comes in silently and immediately sets everything down on my couch before finally turning and smiling at me. I'm still standing awkwardly a small distance away. She looks straight at my face and stops smiling, she walks over slowly and places her arms around me and holds me and I can't lie standing here in her arms feels good. I let my head fall on her shoulder and eventually my arms are around her too.

  "What time did you go to sleep love?"

  "Urmm not early enough honestly"

  "No offence Jes but I can tell, you don't look like you feel good, would you like me to go so you can rest? "

  "Please don't leave Ro-" before I even finish my sentence she tells me she won't and for the first time in days I feel a sense of relief.

  "What movie do you wanna watch Jes? Brought some Disney classics if you wanna watch em? " Disney. Jade.

  "Uhm maybe we can find a scary movie on netflix instead? "

  "Whatever you want Jes"

  About an hour later we've finally settled down and picked a movie and are grubbing on some junk food when I see Rosie shifting around the bed way too Much. I decide she's uncomfortable and get up and get her an oversized T-shirt and some sweats. I hand them to her and point her over to my bathroom. She shoots me a grateful look before grabbing the clothes from me and heading in to the bathroom.

  To my surprise when she comes out she's not wearing the sweats just the shirt. I make no comment but raise an eyebrow at her.

  "what were friends I am COMFY enough, plus I'm wearing boy shorts sooo"

  "Mhm. I'm gay what if you give me a lady boner?? Hmm what then" I say playfully. She snacks my arm before commenting on what I just said

  "Stop playing into stereotypes asshat"

  "Wow. Look at you sticking up for the gays. We appreciate you " I laugh after that she just shoots me a look and a little while later she finally speaks up again

  "I wouldn't mind if you did get one" it was so quiet I could've missed it if I hadn't payed attention. Then she moves and leans her head on my shoulder without saying another thing and we continue to watch the movie.

We're on our third movie and all the way through a pizza when I feel her tug my face. I turn and give her my attention and before I know whats happening she's kissing me gently. I lean into the kiss. I like the way she feels. Her lips are full and fit perfectly with mine. When we pull away I panic and she sees the emotion in my eye's. She finds my hand and intertwines our finger.

  "Just let me take care of you. I know you've been through some shit Jes. We don't have to talk about it now but let me be here for you. "

  I fall asleep in her arms that night. For the first time in months I sleep through a night. It seems Rosie is bringing a bunch of firsts in months with her, I have no problems with it either. She makes my mind foggy. I forget everything for a while so I let myself fall into whatever it is she's giving me.

*End flashback*

An- there's going to be a lot of flashback chapters at first guys so please hang in there. This is probably the worst chapter yet but things will pick up soon. Once i walk y'all through Jadesys story and how/why Jesy ended up with Rosie there won't be many flashbacks we'll go to present time. Also sorry I'm taking so long to update, life is hard :/

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