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Jesy POV

  Rosie and I have been acting like nothing happened earlier but I know she's itching to ask me about Jade. She knows the gist of what happened between us, and how important Jade had been to me. She accepted that part of my past and chose to love me in spite of it, and there has not been a time where I wasn't grateful of that. People are not perfect, I know that, but I often think that if anyone came close it'd be Rosie.

  I'm spaced out in my thoughts about Rosie when the very woman of my thoughts is standing next to me. She gently grabs my hand and pulls me silently to the dance floor. I realize it's a slow song "You & I" by John Legend; this is a good one. I love this song and she knows it. She puts her arms around my waist and pulls me in, my hands are resting on her shoulders. I'm quite enjoying the moment when i notice Jade over my womans shoulder, dancing with a girl. I'm not surprised. Jade sees me as well and for a second we lock eyes and that is when I decide to rest my head on Rosie's shoulder she's whisper singing the song to me and I think it's one of the cutest things ever. She has a terrible voice I might add, but she's trying.

  "I love you" I let out without giving it much thought

  "I love you too baby" she replies and her hold on me tightens. I don't know if I meant it but it felt right, and I know I felt something in that moment. I want to love Rosie. I really do. I'm almost desperate to..

  As we're leaving the dance floor I decide to go to the restroom and let Rosie know she offers to come along but of course I say no. It's just the restroom I'm not going to get kidnapped. I'm barely walking into the bathroom which by chance is empty when I hear the door shut and lock behind me. To my surprise it's Jade. I pretend it didn't faze me and enter a stall. I do my business and exit the stall to see Jade is standing in front of one of the sinks. I continue on in silence and wash my hands and am getting ready to unlock and exit the bathroom when Jade finally speaks.


  "No Jade" I interrupt "whatever it is you're much too late and quite honestly I'm not interested in hearing it" in reality I am interested. Very, very interested in fact in what after all this time she could have to say to me. Of course I can't let her know that though and honestly maybe I shouldn't hear what she has to say. Maybe it'll wreck me again and more than likely she won't care how I feel yet again. With that thought I open the door and head out. I don't even give her another look. I find my table where my girlfriend is seated I tap her shoulder and she pushes her seat out a bit to turn and look at me when she does that I get on her lap and kiss her roughly.

  "Let's leave"

  "Now? "

  "Now. We've been here long enough" I see her wanting to protest so I kiss her again. I pull back and look at her and her eyes which look glazed over. "Take me home babe" without another words she stands up and sets me down before intertwining our fingers and walking us towards the exit of the venue. On our way out we have to pass Jades table where she's sitting silently with her girlfriend???. I hold eye contact with Jade as we walk towards the table and break it only too look lovingly at Rosie who is still holding my hand tightly and guiding me through all the people around us.

  *at home*

  I really don't want to talk about what went down with Jade in the bathroom with Rosie but Rosie has been nothing but good to me so I feel she deserves to know. I wait until we are both settled and in bed to talk to her. We're laying in the dark and I place my head on her shoulder and look up at her barely visible face. Her attention is immediately on me.

  "Whats up love are you alright? "

  Sigh. "Yea it's just I have something to tell you"

  "What is it? Should I be worried? "

  "No no baby nothing to worry about, just something I think you should know" I put my arm on her belly and start fidgeting with her pyjama shirt "When I went to the bathroom Jade walked in and kind of locked us in there.. "

  I feel her body go stiff for a split second " Did anything happen? Did she do anything to you? " I want to believe that by did anything happen she means as in did she hurt me but a part of me knows she means did Jade and I do anything together, and it saddens me a bit "Nothing happened Rose..we barely even talked. I cut her off and left immediately.."

  "You had to cut her off? What was she saying?" This actually makes me laugh... Because well she never actually got to say anything

  "All she had the chance to say was my name before I came to you" I see Rosie smile at this and she kisses my temple.

  "And you're sure you're okay? "

  "I am bub" soon after this we fall asleep cuddled into each other and for once I'm starting to think I may feel more towards Rosie than I thought I did...

An- so this chapter is boring ngl but i kinda just wanted to express how much Jesy is actually upset and angry at Jade. IF YOU WERE JESY YOU'D BE PISSED TOO. Y'ALL WILL SEE. SOON. I PROMISE lol... Mayb. But anyway to anyone who's reading I truly hope you're doing okay but if you're not and want to talk about things or even just talk in general... Feel free to message me. I'm always open to listening and giving you my thoughts. Much love!

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