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*flashback 10 months ago*

  It's coming down hard outside, and I love it. I love the rain I revel in it. It gives off sad undertones but in reality it gives life, makes everything greener, and fresher. Sometimes a little darkness is good. I pick up my mug and take it from the kitchen counter to the couch and settle down to watch something on Netflix. Jade on the other hand is probably cuddled up with a good book. She's so smart and can talk for days about books she enjoys, and though I have no idea what she's talking about I absolutely love her excited book rambling.

  Knock knock

  I am really surprised to hear my door at this hour and with this weather. I open it to find a soaked Jade.

  "Jade what the actual fuck" I say slightly angry, she's so tiny and should know better, she's going to get sick. "C'mere" I drag her into my restroom and can't help but notice she has not uttered a single word since the moment she arrived. I close the lid of my toilet and sit her down on it. "Up" I say as I pull her hoodie and her shirt off. "You're bloody soaked" I point out as if the girl who's soaking wet sitting on my toilet wouldn't know that. "Up" I say yet again as I help her to her feet. She's shivering but other than that she's not moving much. I pull her pants and socks off while I'm at it before sitting her down. I realize this is the closest I've ever been to seeing Jades nude body. I realize I've been looking a little too long now and hurry and put a towel over her. "Take your panties and bra off while I get you some dry clothes" I rush and grab Jade some sweats, a shirt and my favorite pair of fuzzy socks.

  When I come back into the restroom she's in the middle of taking her bra off, already panty-less . I try to pretend I've seen nothing and shove the clothes into her hands and walk out and close the door. I sit on the edge of my bed and wait for Jade to come out of the bathroom. When she exits she looks adorable and much warmer. I smile gently at her not wanting to pressure her into telling me whats going on. She'll tell me if she wants to. She smiles weakly back at me and walks slowly before climbing onto my lap and setting her head down in the crook of my neck. I put my arms around her tummy and pull her closer into me.

  "Life sucks" she part whispers part breaths into my neck.

  "I know, I know" I say back quietly. "It'll be okay one day you know that right? "

  "Will it? "I don't answer that because I don't know. I am not God... Who am I to assure Jade that things will be okay one day, but I hope. I really do that things will turn up for her. I will forever try to make things better for her.

  I stand up with her in my arms and set her down on the bed. "Be right back" she nods and I go quickly to turn off the tv which had been forgotten upon Jades arrival. Once I get everything around my small flat off I return to my bedroom to find Jade snuggled under the blankets, on my side no less. Usually I'd be annoyed but it's Jade and I think she's adorable and I adore her. So I just get in bed next to her and say nothing.

  "This side really smelled like you, that's why I settled down her... I'm sorry I saw your hesitance when you saw me here"

  I smile at Jade before answering "it's alright, you can have my side any day"

  She scoots over to me before snuggling her head into my chest. "Mmmmmm. Smells so good" playfully I sniff her head before saying

  "Mmm smells like rainwater" she looks up at me so fast I'm surprised her neck doesn't snap.

  " Omigod, I'm so sorry Jesy I didn't realize I smelled funky" I laugh audibly and she glares at me.

  "Okay first of all Jade I absolutely looove the smell of rain, and second of all I was just kidding, you smell amazing " she smacks me on my side and pouts at me. She's so adorable. I don't think twice before leaning in and pecking her on the lips. She looks at me partially surprised before looking down at my lips, and next thing I know she's leaning in again. She sets her hand near enough to my ear that I can feel her brushing it softly with her thumb. She looks into my eye's once more before finally kissing me. AndofcourseIkissback I mean c'mon you'd have to be a dumbass not to. This is JADE. When she pulls back all is quiet and peaceful except our heavy breathing. I can feel Jades heart pounding into me as if her heart was trying to rip through both of our rib cages to be with mine. An escape artist. "Are you okay Jade" I whisper to the girl besides me with her eye's shut tightly. She nods and opens her eyes for a second to look at me before shutting them again. I pull her even deeper into me and hold her tightly.

  "I just want to make sure I remember for when you leave"

  "Jade I am never going to leave you. I will be with you always. "

*flashback over*

  I realize now me and Jade never really did talk about how she ended up at my place that night... I need to stop thinking about her. I have Rosie now and she's great. She cares about me... She hasn't strayed.

An- JADESYS FIRST KISS yay but honestly guys I hope this chapter was a bit better. Remember i am not a professional writer but I have a lot of feelings and they need to go somewhere 😂 hope everyone has/has had a wonderful day! ❤

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