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*flashback 9 months ago*

It's been a month since Jade showed up at my house that one night in the pouring rain, since then we've only gotten even closer to each other.

  Being around her always makes me so happy. We can just sit around together and I am so content with that alone. We are so different from one another, she's this cute small girl who loves Disney and... I'm well, the polar opposite. I've never even seen a Disney Film in my life, but I'm going to right now with her.

  She hops onto my couch happily beside me with a bowl of popcorn and smiles at me looking quite dorky if I'm honest.

  "What're you so excited about? "


  "and it's really that good??"

  "Uhm YES"

  "Hmf okayy Jadey if you say so I trust you" she turns and looks me directly in the eye

  "Do ya, do ya really? " I see her smirk and I know she's playing but when I've been silent for too long she questions me again ".. So you don't Jes? " I don't want to lie to her but as comfortable as I am around her I don't trust anybody.

  I look at her, peck her on the nose before responding "I will one day, you're my best friend Jade, just don't abandon me" and I see a slight frown on her face so I press play on beauty and the beast and take hold of the hand she left closest to me and give it a short squeeze before finally giving all my attention to the movie.

  We're about half way through the film when her head falls on my shoulder I turn slowly towards her and see she's fallen asleep. I pick her up gently as can be and take her to my room. I return to the living room and turn off the t.v. before heading back. To my surprise she's awake again.

" I should probably head home..." She whispers.

"Now why would you do that when you can just stay here. Plus you seem really tired. I mean you must be if you fell asleep during one of your favorite movies..."

"I didn't get much sleep last night" she states in an almost monotone voice.

" well why didn't you just message me? You know I'm always up" I say playfully.

"You know Jesy, maybe I just don't always feel like talking to you"

I almost flinch at the harshness of her tone and shy away out of her space slightly.

"No Jesy... I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that... I just had a rough night and.."

"Stop" I cut her off gently "you don't need to explain... It's okay"

She must know I mean it because she gently tugs me closer and goes back to sleep. I don't bother to try asking her whats wrong that night, she clearly doesn't want to talk about it and I understand so I just hold her close and feel her breathing evenly. I wonder so much and ask so little. I'm afraid she'll leave.

*flashback ends*

After running into Jade a few days ago at the wedding I can't help but run all the times that something was wrong and I said nothing through my mind. That just one of many. Getting Jade to open up to me was no easy feat but I always felt she was worth it... I thought... But it was so easy for her to throw it all away so what does any of it matter?

I'm lost deep in my thoughts when I hear knocking at my door. I have been expecting Rosie all day so I walk over to the door happily and open it only to have my face drop immediately when I see its Jade behind it, and not Rosie.

"Jade." I deadpan.


Hello all. It is currently 3am where I'm at but in light of everything going on having me contained to my home and @/MyLoveJesminda gently reminding me I have unfinished stories lol I have decided to try and do something with them. This one is for her! Anyway, I hope everyone is staying safe, I'm sending good energy. I know its been years so bear with me, I don't 100% remember where I was taking this story so I'm trying to figure it out. The beginning of this short chapter was already written, apparently, but that was years ago. I don't recall the intention behind it all I know is what I feel now. Its short but it'll help us get wherever we're going so I hope you enjoyed, atleast a little! Expect an update tomorrow (:

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