Chapter 1

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I ran down the halls calling out to my mom. The day was almost here. I couldn't wait. I was so anxious that I kept grabbing a hold of my birthday presents and shaking them to get a clue of what was in it. My mom had grab the present away from me and set it down back on the floor near the lazy chair that dad loved to rest on.
"Now, Chris. You have to wait until your birthday, ok?" My mom pointed at me looking at me in a way.
"Aww, mom. Come on. Let me just open one." I said squeezing my hands together.
My mom chuckled walking to the kitchen.
"Pretty pretty please mommy?" I asked begging her going down on my knees.
"Chris? Either you open it when it's your birthday or I'll just sell your presents to Arnold." She said looking down on me from the kitchen counter.
"Mom! Arnold wouldn't even like it." I said crossing my arm being annoyed. Arnold was my cousin. He never liked celebrating his birthday. Only having a mini sized cake to eat on like he's an animal.
I walked away trying to resist. I walked passed by my dad as he was heading to the coffee machine.
I went upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me, wondering what I was going to get this year for my birthday.
I really wanted a Lego set. I loved legos.
I went nuts and crazy for them. I would always watch it advertised on TV. My dad always wondered what my big obsession was for legos.
I ignored what he said.
An hour passed as I was playing my video game called 'domestic underworld'. it was about this game where you were stuck in another dimension and you have to burn it in order to get out and no more paranormal would happen in your dimension. mom said I was obessed but she was right. I set down the game control as I 
I went downstairs and saw my dad reading a newspears on the lazy chair as my mom had vacuumed the carpet.
"Hey son, how would you like a clown for your birthday party for tomorrow?" My dad asked folding his newspaper and getting up from his seat.
I wasn't too much of a fan clowns. I wasn't afraid of no clowns.
I just thought they were no good entertainment for a party.
I rolled my eyes to dad's idea.
I walked to the kitchen grabbing some small bottle of apple juice.
"Dad. No offense to your idea but, I think clowns are just silly...and stupid." I said after gulping down the apple juice.
"Well, son, I was gonna call buddy bob." He said smiling.
I hated bob. He was dad's long time friend back in high school.
He always dressed up as a clown. He LOOKED like a clown. He honselty didn't even needed the makeup.
I rolled my eyes again.
I was not gonna let my birthday get ruined by any lame dancing, stupid animal balloon entertaining clown that had no talent.
Clowns are just hippie freaks that are fake,
And that's just my opinion.
My dad grew up loving clowns as a kid in new Orleans and I simply found it embarrassing and silly.
"Oh Phil, you know Chris doesn't want clowns." My mom said standing besides me.
"I'm not afraid." I stated to my mom.
She looked at me in a way sipping on her coffee.
"I'm not!" I raised my voice a bit making sure she knew that. She walked away.
I never loved clowns and I wasn't afraid Of them.
I would never be afraid of them. Boy, was I wrong.

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