Chapter 3

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I was at school and me and my classmates were all sitting in our seats quietly doing an assignment. We were doing fractions and division on a work sheet. My friend Dylan was a real geek. He knew all the questions and didn't even had to work it out.
I got annoyed a bit and rolled my eyes as I glanced a bit at his paper.
I then looked back on mine cause I didn't want to get caught cheating. I got A's and B's so there wasn't no need for cheating.
I answered all my questions and turned in my paper to Mrs.Grenner.
She graded my paper and put it into a file of graded papers.
I sat back down continuing on reading my book.
Dylan surprisingly finshied after me. Usually he would do it so fast that he would finish first. I kept reading my book and I heard a laugh come from behind me.
I turned around to see nobody doing anything but doing their worksheet and some getting up and handing it to Mrs.Grenner.
I looked back down on my book and kept reading.
Another laughter had burst out from behind me and I spun around to see some kids reading, drawing, or still working on their worksheet.
I was getting annoyed and I raised my hand.
"Yes, Chris? What is it?" Mrs.Grenner asked pointing to me.
"Can I be excused?" I asked putting my hand down.
"Why you need to go to the bathroom?" She asked.
"Yes, please." I said as she reached her arms out having a bathroom pass in her hand.
I marked my spot on my book, dumping it in my backpack as I walked to her grabbing the pass from her.
I walked out of the room and walked into the boys bathroom.
I didn't had to use the bathroom. I washed my face making my hands and arms completely wet.
The lights flickered on and off and I looked up to the lights weirdly.
It stopped by the time I was drying my hands.
I grabbed the pass and
Walked out of the bathroom.
Heading to my class, I was in the hallway and ran into the Bob again. He was again, dressed up as a clown. I groaned rolling my eyes.
I walked towards him.
"Ok. Bob? I know its you." I said continuously walking towards him. It was obviosuly bob doing this and my dad. They were just trying to scare me.
It was gonna be my birthday till one more day! I was shocked that they were still going at this. It was obvious that they weren't gonna stop until they knew I was scared.
"Ok. Very funny, Bob. Very funny." I said getting closer to him.
He laughed walking up towards me.
He then pointed to the wall behind me of the hallway and it wrote in red 'Wanna Play?'.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes again.
"Listen, I've had en-" I stopped turning around to not see him no more.
I groaned and just continued on with school.
I got back to class and returned the pass.
The rest of class was just playing educated actviries and looking at videos based on mathematical expressions on Youtube. Some kids found it useless and pathetic. I can say that Dylan WASN'T one of them.
He kept writing down notes and math graphs.
I stared blankly at the projector showing the math video.
The video then cut out showing static and turned off making the whole room pitch black.
It then showed bob as a clown waving. Half of the class gasped and the other half and screamed.
I honestly thought they were being a bunch of pussycats.
I got up from my seat and walked closer to the Projector screen.
The class still screamed. The projector turned back on and the lights flickered as my whole classmates stared at me. Their faces...they had clown makeup on their face and smirks. They laughed and walked towards me.
I backed up and tried pushing them back.
"Play! Play! Play! Play!" They all kept chanting as they walked closer to me.
I backed up to the wall screaming in anger.
"ENOUGH!" I yelled closing my eyes. I opened my eyes to see my classmates staring at me looking all confused. Dylan stood up looking at Mrs.Grenner.
Everyone was in silence and looked at me like I  was crazy.
I stood there in silence and from the speaker in the wall.
"I need Chris Holling to go home."
The head administration office reported.
I put my hand on my head feeling embarrassed.

Bob was driving me home and he kept listening to Michael Jackson's thriller song.
He tried doing the moonwalk when outside of the car, he stinked. If only Michael was alive to show him how he's really supposed to do it.
I kept telling him that his moonwalk would never be as good as Michael Jackson's.
I put my elbow down beside the car window looking up at the sky.
"So, kiddo, how was school?" He asked lowering the volume of the song.
I shrugged still thinking about school.
"What happened?" Bob asked.
I stared straight into the road as we kept driving and I didn't say a word.
I was so upset at bob and dad. They were in on everything and they've been since and now they got in my head. I cost me my reputation at school.
My class didn't laugh. They would just think I'm weird. And the most part I'm worried about is that dylan wouldn't let me hear the end of it.
"You know, you can talk to me about anything." Bob said.
I scoffed at his statement and was silent on the whole ride. Bob stopped talking since and when we got home things only got worse.

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