Chapter 7

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My heart was pounding and I ran through the hallways trying not to drop the candle.
The clown appeared holding balloons and floating up and disappearing. I stopped in my footsteps.
The door to my side opened. It was the bedroom.
I slowly walked in and I first spotted pictures of a family with parents and two little girls. The first girl had brown hair with a pink dress and the other girl had blonde hair with a blue dress. Then came another that had the same two little girls but they were crying.
I looked at it weirdly and passed by the picture with the girl that had the brown hair and pink dress. It looked like she was cuddling in fear. I turned around and the door opened to the bathroom. the mirror had a note in the fog saying 'Your Mother kept many secrets, Chris.' I walked closer breathing heavily.
"What? What does he mean she that my mom kept secrets? We were close." I said to myself resting my hands on the counter of the bathroom in front of the mirror.
Bugs then came out and wasps flying out from the drain of the sink. I screamed and ran out the room and ran down the stairs.
I went to the dining room and catched my breath as I landed my back on the door.
I could still hear the bugs and the wasps filling my ear up with the buzzing and crawling sounds that made my cringe.
I shook in fear and managed to stand up. it sounded like it was surrounding me. I covered my ears as the noise got louder and louder. it stopped. I uncovered my ears and heard a door creak open. it was a room filled with pictures with the girl with brown hair and the pink dress.

"What is with showing these pictures of this girl?" I asked out loud to myself and then covered my mouth remembering that I wasn't alone in this house.  I waited and silence filled the room and I walked inside to see another candles floating in the middle of the room. it was my second candle. I placed it in my pocket with my first candle and candles were all over the room. On the counter that had candles light up had something written on the wooden table with marker saying 'You think you know everything about your parents. well, you don't. your mother did something that she isn't so proud of.' tears filled my eyes and I went down on the floor. what was he talking about? Was my mother hiding something? Was my parents hiding something? did it had something to do with all of this? was the clown lying just to get into my head?

I was getting distracted. I had to find the other missing candles and get things back to normal here. I turned to the door and saw the clown stood there giggling. 

I gasped as he waved creepily. "You'll find out the truth, you'll find out." He said in a deep voice. he giggled and then disappeared out of my sight. 

I walked out of the room and went upstairs. I couldn't be afraid anymore. I had to continue. it was either I die or at least die trying. I ran upstairs and check the first door and it lead to a study. I checked the bookcase and a piece of paper dropped from a book that I accidentally moved in the case. I bend down to look and saw it was a suicide note. 

'I can't do this to my son. I'm a single mum. I can't make my son suffer for what I caused and what happened to me. it's not right. he deserves better. I have to die In order to make my son survive.' What does this mean? who's handwriting is this?

I set down the note and looked at the piano on the little stage of the study and another candle was floating at the top of it. it was my third. I grabbed it and placed it inside my pocket. I accidentally hit a piano note causing a growl coming from under the desk of the study. 

I slowly walked towards the desk and looked under to see nothing but complete darkness. I got up and the growling came back again. something then grabbed me and try to drag me under. 

I screamed in horror. it was veins. they were wrapping around my arms, legs, head, neck and ankles. It was chocking me. I was trapped. "H-help me. H-help!"

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