-Chapter 1-

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TW: Suicide is mentioned heavily throughout this fic, don't like that? Don't read it, I'm not forcing you
Dull absinthe eyes flitted around, checking if anyone could be seen. He doubted that someone would hide in his house, considering the meeting in Italy all throughout the week but it never hurt to check.

After coming to the conclusion that no one was in his country mansion, his eyes drifted to the mug held tightly in his hand. His knuckles had turned white, and the clear liquid reflected his face.

Those eyebrows, how he wished they'd just disappear off the face of the Earth. He laughs dryly, his eyes glazing over with tears. Wether they are from sadness or joy is anyones guess.

The man closes his eyes and asks himself: 'Do I really want to do this?'. His answer appears almost immediately: 'Yes'.

He raises the mug to his lips, his hands shaking frantically as if they were begging their controller to stop. Bleach cascades down the mans throat, and his insides begin to turn to soap. The man collapses, his mouth foams and a small, sad smile falls onto his face. Dull absinthe eyes become more lifeless than before as the man takes his final breath.

Running a hand through his blonde hair, the mans azure eyes held a self-deprication that was unsettleingly-rare. His phone was clutched tightly in his hand, expecting anyone to text him about his absence. He'll do it then.

The other hand held a gun fully loaded with bullets made of frozen mercury. The element was deadly to humans, it must be just as deadly to nations.

His azure eyes drifted to a photo of him with his family. They all looked so happy apart from himself, he was most definately smiling but that smile didn't reach his eyes. They screamed for help, the help he didn't receive.

'Where are you' Read the message of one of those who harmed him beyond repair just sent. He glowered for a second, before smiling sadly and placing the phone onto the table.

He pressed the gun against his head, the cool metal calming his nerves ever so slightly. He took a shaky breath, and pulled the trigger. The man collapsed. His ears were ringing and the last thing those azure eyes saw was his own blood pooling around his body.

Toxic thoughts swam around his mind, chesnut-coloured eyes brimming with tears. Sighing soundlessly, tears started to flow freely. Something about being moments away from death saddened him. But by doing this he might make Aniki happy for once.

Why didn't they understand? They were supposedly some of the smartest nations but they couldn't pick something up that was painfully obvious! Well . . . it was obvious to himself anyways.

He sighed once more, though this time it was shaky. His eyes drifted mournfully to the floor, the chair he was standing on mocking him relentlessly. Even worse then his family.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It disrupted the perfect ambiance the room held for the crime he was about to commit. In alarm, he kicked the wooden chair from beneath him.

'At least I made Aniki proud' Was the last thought that ran through the mans mind. A satisfying crack rang out throughout the house, before those chesnut eyes saw no more.

AN: Well, that was an eventful starter for the prologue!
You may of noticed, but I layed not-so-well-hidden clues throughout this chapter on who these three nations are. It's your turn as readers to tell me who you think they are! The first and the third are easy, but the second may trick you, so beware! The first to get all three nations right gets the next chapter dedicated to them!

Good Luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour!

Chapter Dedicated to NightingaleDraws! I believe they (not sure on your gender bud. . . Sorry about that) are the first Hetalian I met on this website! They are awesome and you should definately give them a quick follow, they deserve it :33

- Inky

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