Heart Before Thought

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" Dear Aunt Lilly,

Greetings, how are you? The crew's health, as well as my own, has been alright. The ship is in good shape, and the crew has been working well together. We're so close to finding the island we've been searching for, I just can't believe all that hard work paid off! After hitting several different ports, I've heard that the island is real! I even got a map from someone at the port for 25 gold pieces! It was expensive but worth it! Now, all we have to do is await the captain's orders. As the first mate, I know that we're at least five days away from the island, which gives me time to practice my fighting skills and to relax before I've got to brace myself for the dangers that may be there. I hope you're doing well, and I can't wait to return home soon.

Lot's of love,

Orion StarWing."

Signing my name, I stood back and held up the paper. After a few seconds of admiring my penmanship, I put the quill back into the ink jar.Writing to my aunt always makes me happy. It is rare for me to get a chance to write her during most of my expeditions, but it's an amazing feeling to get to write to her during the most important trip of my life. As I've grown up over the years, many sailors I've met have rumored to me many things about the island. They said it held the most beautiful landscapes ever, and that exotic and crazy new species live there, such as mermaids and blue owl-like creatures. Ever since I turned nine, I tried my hardest to become a member of a pirate crew. I guess you could say all that work really did pay off because now I'm the first mate of one of the most famous pirate crews known to the Northern region of Ghalou.

Rolling up the piece of parchment, I carefully placed it in a bottle. I grabbed the cork and capped the bottle. I walked towards the door of my cabin, grabbing my cloak on the way out. It was really chilly out, and Winter was just around the corner. As I walked up the steps to the top of the ship, I could start to hear laughter and music.These sounds lead me to believe we have already hit the Southern port. Which means we've got at least one or two more ports to hit before we do an all day's sail towards the island. Upon reaching the deck of the ship, I could see my friends, my crew members, drinking and listening to someone playing the guitar.

When I say drink, it's nothing with alcohol. We drink Apple Cider, which is really good. We know that drinking out on the sea is bad, and could easily make one of us sick as a dog. So we all try to stay clear of that. The boat silently swayed on the waves, giving the sense of the boat dancing along with the rest of the crew. Laughing, I ran towards the commotion, starting to swing my hips to the music along with my dear best friend and the Navigator of the ship, Sora. Sora was the best Navigator in the entire world! He could easily read the stars whenever we were stuck in the middle of the ocean. He's also saved my life a few times before as well. We've become the closest friends, and he's usually always the person I go to when I needed him. I was glad the captain was in the town's market right now because he wouldn't have approved of this. He's not really the most laid back, fun type of captain.

He's been in the pirate business longer than I've been around in this world. I feel like his past has made him as strict as he was today.

" So, you gonna go send that letter," Sora questioned, motioning to the bottle in my satchel. " Oh yeah! I completely forgot! I better do it before the place that sends it closes." I smacked my forehead with my hand, feeling a little immature for getting sidetracked. " Thanks, Sora!" I said, waving him goodbye as I ran towards the docks. I jumped off the deck and onto the port, completely ignoring the fact that we had a ladder that leads down to the port safely.

' Wow, smart move, Orion. You're a real smart guy, getting sidetracked and all." I reprimanded myself. I ran as fast as I could throughout the town, searching and searching for the place they ship the letters to. I've been down here several times before, cause this port's famous for its good deals on supplies for the trips that the crew and I take. In the light of the torches that lit the gravel pathway towards the village, I could start to see people moving frantically, trying to get from one place to another. I sighed, thanking my lucky stars as I saw the Post Office still open.

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