Getting Lost In The Island

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  I awoke to the sound of banging of pots and pans. " Up, you scurvy crew! We've got some adventuring to handle!" Sora acted as an alarm that I couldn't shut off. Reluctantly, I crawled out my tent. "Ughh....Infinity more minutes please..." I begged. " Nope! We've got a long day ahead of us! Now eat and build up that adventure energy!" Sora encouraged. James groggily crawled out of bed, shooting Sora a death glare. " If looks could kill...." I thought, munching on my toast.

We gathered our healing crystals and the other magica sword from the ship, and with Jake now joining us, we started to search the island.

" Wow, look at that!" I pointed to a magnificent waterfall that had happened to be on our trail. We stared in awe at it, and I sketched a quick drawing of it while we were there. As we ventured deeper, we spotted another one of the blue purple snakes I had passed on my first night.

It was amazing! We saw multitudes of different new species, and tons of amazing plants and trees. " So, what are we looking for?" I questioned. " We, my dear friend, are heading to the center of the island. In the middle of the island should be an abandoned village, full of loot and a place to sit and rejoice our new accomplishment." Sora explained. It'll take all of today and tomorrow to get there, but hey, we've waited this long. We can wait just a few more hours." Sora said. So James, what are you planning on doing after this adventure?" Artemis questioned. " I may go home to see my family. We should have enough time to drop me off before Christmas day." Artemis said. James shrugged. " In due time, my answer will be revealed. But now, we are not focusing on the future. We need to focus on the here and now." James said.

" Alrighty captain." Artemis said. We explored the island, inching closer towards the middle by day, We walked a bit more of the path after nightfall, until someone had yawned. We set up camp, and slept. I met Stormy again when I couldn't sleep until sunset, and we chatted until I had to leave again. She waved me goodbye, and I copied her movement as well, bidding her a farewell.

We marched up hill for half of the day, and then it was a smooth path again. We stopped here and there to document the new species and plants, and we did this continuously until we had come across the same thing that we had already encountered. " I wonder if that rude jerk of a pirate and his crew have made it to their destination yet." I thought, chuckling.

With The Deadly Snake Crew

"Captain, Captain, look!" The small first Mate, Dan, pointed at a small island in the distance. "Wait a second," Robert, the pirate captain of the D.S said, " This is NOT it! We've been tricked!! We have no way to get to that fabled island full of treasure! Ugh! Stupid girl!!!" Robert's anger fumed, his first mate taking cover from his captain's every burning fuse of rage. " Darn you, crew of the Storm Survivor!!" The captain yelled into the sky in rage.

Back With The Crew Of The Storm Survivor

I tripped on the roots of trees here and there, and finally, as the sun began to set on the horizon, we had found the abandoned village. It was made entirely out of the same purple blueish crystal that was from my mom's. " This.....this was my mother's home..." I gasped in realization. She used to tell me many stories about a crystal village, where everyone was pure and cleansed because of the powerful aura from the crystals.

Once it was midnight, we had the entire crew searching the area. We decided to start repairing the houses, using some wood and brick from the burnt and ash filled ground.

As midnight descended, we sat around a large table. We had coconuts in our hands and bread and soup filled the table. We all dug in, but didn't touch our coconut milk. We saved those for the end, where we were to toast.

Stormy found a river that flowed next to the table, and she merely sat next to Jake, who had love struck eyes when he saw her. She had brought some food from her world, were her culture at these delicious greens and coral.

We all had a blast. Then, after we sung and danced and ate and chatted, we sat down and respectfully to start our toasting.

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