Getting Lost In The Sound

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 As night descended, I was ready and waiting for James, Sora, and Artemis to arrive with their things. We are all going out first, to make sure it's alright to camp there. Once morning comes, we'll have everyone else who wants to come over, and we'll start exploring soon after. I was so giddy, I could barely stay on my toes. I loved how the island looked, and I was super excited to visit it. The island was green all over, with blue and red tree leaves here and there. From where I stood, I could see that the shore was radiant and colorful, and I could already see flowers and such blooming near the edge of the forest.

It looks dangerous, yet backward all at once. My emotions were everywhere, my mind set on getting to the shore. I started to get the boat ready, and I made sure everyone else on board was alright before their captain and first mate head out. " Under my orders, Jake should be in charge if anyone shall need anything," I announced. They all nodded their heads in agreement. Jake was always the guy put in charge when it came to the captain and I left the ship for a long period of time.

Just as I had made my announcement, James, Artemis, and Sora all appeared on the deck, fully packed. " Ready?" I questioned. The captain nodded his head, and I smiled. " Then let's go already!" I said, running back near the small boat. James got in first, then helped everyone else into it. Since I was the last one in, which is ironic because I was the first one ready, I held the rope and slowly reeled it out, making our descent.

James rowed us to the shoreline, and we got out of the boat. Sora and I dragged the boat to the shoreline until it was fully in the sand. We didn't need that to get lost and drift in the ocean overnight. " Okay," The captain started. " Artemis and I will look around our left to see if there is any danger, while Sora and Orion take the right side of the island to check for any danger. We need to make sure we're safe before we can set up camp." He informed us. " Got it, captain," I said. " Alright, sir," Sora spoke. " Will do. Let's get started then, hm?" Artemis announced. We split up taking our respective sides of the island to patrol.

As we searched the island's right side, we saw plants new and old. Some looked like they had jaws, while others looked like they had hair. It was bizarre, but as well. I looked up into the sky for a second, and as I did, I saw a shooting star across the sky. I tapped Sora's shoulder, and he looked at me with a puzzling expression. " What? What did you find?" He questioned. I pointed towards the sky, and he followed my hand. As he looked up, multiple stars shot across the dimly lit sky. " Wow..." Sora said in practical awe. " I know..." I said, getting hypnotized by the colorful beams of light that shot across the sky.

I almost forgot that we were supposed to be doing something else. I snapped out of my mini trance and tapped Sora's shoulder again. " We should get back to patrolling this side of the island," I informed. " We need to get back near the boat soon. We've got no time to stall." I said. Sora nodded, shaking his head as well.

We finished our job, and after seeing that there wasn't a threat, we headed back towards the boat. I yawned, growing a bit tired. I shook my head. " Nope....Sleep won't get the best of me." I thought to myself, trying to motivate my tired self.

Artemis and James: Left Side Of Island

" So, you ready to explore the island tomorrow?" Artemis questioned the captain, looking at the floor. " You bet," James responded, searching the area at eye level. " You know, I really wish we had background knowledge of this island. We are searching this island, with the constant fear of the unknown. It's just hard to believe no one has been here before, or at least, has explored this island thoroughly before. " Artemis confessed. " A wise person once told me Artemis," James started, looking towards Artemis.

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